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Migrate FAQS
Migrate FAQS
Questions frequently asked about CloudM Migrate, answered.
How to estimate migration duration
Migrate 4 - What's new?
Migrate 4 - Upgrade Path
Migrating Mail Delegates in M365
Upgrading to Version 3.42 with Secondary Servers
What Ports need to be open to use CloudM Migrate?
How is CloudM Migrate licensed? How are licenses consumed?
Performance Tips
What can be migrated to Google Workspace
Which Platforms Does CloudM Migrate Support?
CloudM Migrate Self Hosted website URL change
What can be migrated to Google Workspace?
Can I change my configuration during a migration run?
How are Box permissions represented in Google Drive / OneDrive?
Required Permissions for using CloudM Migrate
How does CloudM Migrate migrate my email from Google Workspace?
Does CloudM Migrate support the migration of Calendar data from Scalix?
Can I migrate the GroupWise System Address book to Google Workspace?
Can I migrate GroupWise proxy rights?
Can I migrate from a GroupWise system located on a Linux Server?
Can encrypted Lotus Notes archives be migrated?
IBM Lotus Domino DAOS
What can be migrated to Microsoft 365?
What happens if emails exist in multiple folders / locations in the source?
What reporting does CloudM Migrate provide?
Hosted Google Workspace Service Accounts
Can I install CloudM Migrate on a different disk than C?
Are migrated calendar appointment notifications sent to users?
How long is my data retained with CloudM Migrate Hosted?
OneDrive and SharePoint Shareable Links