OneDrive and SharePoint Shareable Links

When migrating from Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint, shareable links are supported as follows: 

To OneDrive/SharePoint

We support all types of shareable links from OneDrive/SharePoint to OneDrive/SharePoint.

To Google Drive

When migrating from Microsoft OneDrive/SharePoint to Google Drive, we map the shareable links as follows:

  • Organization sharing link will be mapped to "Anyone at [organization] with the link"
  • Anonymous sharing link will be mapped to "Anyone with the link"
  • If both Organization and Anonymous links exist for an item in OneDrive/SharePoint, CloudM Migrate will import both
  • Direct/individual links will be mapped to the users that the link has been shared with. These links are generated by selecting the "People you choose" option in OneDrive/SharePoint, as depicted in the screenshot below.

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