Archive Release Notes

Please see the release notes for the latest version of CloudM Archive below. 

Archive 2.5 (January 08th 2025)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base
Increase Import Limit in Archive

Previously, our tool only allowed for one import at a time. However, for larger users with thousands of users that need to be imported, waiting for one user at a time is not feasible.

We have increased the limit to allow for batches of 20 imports at a time, so data can be processed in a timely manner.

Data Import from CloudM Migrate Section

Improvements/Bug Fixes: 

  • Bug fix around the archive step, whereby the step would get stuck if the target user drive was disabled. Now it fails to start, with an appropriate log message.

Archive 2.4 (September 25th 2024)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base
Display Restoration Progress

Previously, on the Restoration Status page, an 'in progress' restore, would only show how many items had been restored so far. However, it wouldn't tell you how many items were left.


Now the UI will show how many items are left to restore, displaying a count of "40/520" items restored, for example.

How to use the Status sections

Improvements/Bug Fixes: 

  • Previously, users could only purge archives on a page-by-page basis - Selection now persists across multiple pages for easier purging.
  • Archive filters have been improved, with a more clear user experience.

Archive 2.3 (July 2nd 2024)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base
Manual Purge for Archive. 

You can now manually purge (delete) a user from Archive without waiting for the automated retention policy to take effect.

There is a new section within Archive, 'Purge Archives', that allows you to search for a user or users and choose to purge their mail, drive, or both from Archive.

Please note that a user must have the 'Purge Archive Users' permission applied to their role to perform a manual purge. If you can't see this new functionality please make sure the permission is applied to your role. 

How to purge (delete) users' data from Archive?


Improvements/Bug Fixes: 

  • Removed 'Search by Recipient' as a filter from the partial restoration of mail search filter due to lack of usage. 
  • Upgraded our infrastructure to run on the latest version of Cloud Functions. 

Archive 2.2 (April 17th 2024)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base
Re-design of our 'Data Import from CloudM Migrate' functionality, 

We have released significant improvements to our Data Import from CloudM Migrate functionality in Archive. 

We have made changes to improve the stability and reliability of this feature. 

We have also made some UI improvements including:

  • The ability to filter the user table. 
  • New and clearer Import Status for users.
  • View the status of imports using the View Imports button.
  • Import History to view historic imports. 
How to import users migrated to a different Cloud Storage bucket (Data Import from CloudM Migrate section)

Archive 2.1 (January 17th 2024)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base
Full restoration Ability to restore the whole user (Mail, Drive and Chat) in one go.  How to run a restoration
UI changes A number of small tweaks to the user interface to make it easier to navigate.
  • Split out the Restoration section into separate Partial Restoration and Full Restoration sections.
  • Split out the Status section into separate Restoration Status and Archive Status sections and simplified the Status filter
  • Renamed the Configure section to Storage Configuration section and set Bucket friendly name (if configured) to show as the name of the relevant tab



Archive 2.0 (November 15th 2023)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base

Audit logs

An audit log entry is added when a user views an archived profile in the 'Restore' section.

The logs will be in the same place as other logs (Settings > Logs) and users can filter by Operation type: Archive Data Viewed.


New storage bucket regions supported

We’ve expanded the supported storage regions for the storage bucket used for CloudM Archive.

list of supported GCS regions in Set up your Archive storage bucket in Google Cloud Storage article

Better distinguish Archive phases in the UI

In the Archivals Status section, we’ve made it clearer which entry corresponds to which Archive step - Archive, Archive Vault.



Improvements/Bug Fixes: 

  • Updated development platform to latest version .NET 8
  • Updated NuGet package versions in Archive Cloud Run and Cloud Functions

CloudM Automate v2.0 - Archive Release Notes (October 27th 2021)

Enhancements Description Links to article(s) in Knowledge Base

Archive functionality for Microsoft

Our Archive feature is now available for Microsoft users, including using Microsoft Azure customer owned storage.

In addition, CloudM Archive is now a full feature in CloudM Platform, having completed it's BETA phase.


All Archive articles have been updated, especially:

  • Archive Prerequisites
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Setup
  • Microsoft Azure Storage FAQs
  • Configuring Archive in CloudM Automate (Microsoft Azure Storage)
  • Offboarding Policy and Process for Microsoft 365
  • Restoring Permissions limitations - Microsoft



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