The Archive Status and Restoration Status sections allow you to view information about any process that has taken place via the CloudM Archive, either as data being stored (Archivals) or data being restored (Restorations).
To view the Status screen:
- Sign in to CloudM Automate using an account that has Archive permissions assigned.
- Select Archive > Archive Status or Restoration Status.
- At the top of each section, you will see an overview that displays the number of processes of the selected type currently in progress, completed in the last 30 days and completed in total.
- Below the overview, you will see a table of all the processes of the selected type, listed from the latest to the earliest. Fields include:
Restoration Status section
- Date - The date and time that the restore process was started
- User - The name of the user that the data was archived from.
Data Type - The type of data (Mail or Drive) that was restored as part of the process.
- For Google domains, Chat data will be counted as part of the Mail restoration process.
- Target - The user that the data was restored to.
- Count - The number of items that were restored.
- Status - The status of the process (Running, Completed, Failed, Aborting, Aborted).
Archive Status section
- Archive Date - The date that the data was archived.
- User - The name of the user that the data was archived from.
- Data Type - The type of data (Mail, Drive and / or Chat) that was archived as part of the process.
- Count - The number of items that were archived.
- Status - The status of the process (Running, Completed, Failed, Purging, Purged, Purge Failed).
- You can filter the results by either Status or by searching for a specific user.
Clicking on a row will prompt an information panel to be displayed for the specific process, including the number of Mail, Drive and Chat items that have been either archived or restored.
- If items have failed to archive or restore, you will see a View Errors button on the panel, which, in turn, will display a panel where you can see what items of each different data type caused an error. You will also be presented with the option to Retry the process for all failed items.