Users screen

The Users screen allows you to view, edit and create users, and also allows you to complete various Actions on the user account.

To navigate to the Users screen, select Directory from the Functions column and then Users from the sub function menu. 


On the User screen, you will see a list of all users on the domain. You can see the total number of users within the list.

  • If you are looking for a specific user, and you have a very high number of users, it will be quicker to use the search bar above rather than scrolling down the alphabetically sorted list.


Clicking on a User will prompt a profile information panel to be displayed for the user. 



In the top section of the panel, you can view:


  1. Organizational Hierarchy - You can view which Organizational Unit the User belongs to. Clicking on the OU link will take you to informational panel for the Organizational Unit.
  2. Profile Icon - This is the current profile image that appears in the header. Clicking on the camera symbol allows you to change the picture.
  3. Status - Displays whether the user is active or suspended.
  4. User Name - Displays your account name
  5. Employment Details - Displays employment details (e.g. role, department, company, employment status and description) as set in the Edit section.
  6. Account email address - Displays the account email address
  7. Edit - Selecting the Edit button will allow you to edit the personal details. 
  8. Actions - Selecting the Actions button will prompt a drop down menu to be displayed, showing the Actions that you can complete on the profile. Please refer to the User > Actions article for more details.
    • Available actions depend on the permissions that you have associated to your account.



The bottom section of the panel is split into 2 tabs

  • Profile - Displays more details about the profile such as the last time the user logged in, addresses, manager, assistants and web links. It will also display license information for the Google users.
    • Additionally, Google users will be able to view assigned licenses, whether the user has Google 2FA enabled and whether the user is tagged as a Manager on the Google Workspace domain.


  • Member of - Displays the Smart Teams and Groups that the user is included in. You can add them to groups by setting the role (Member, Manager or Owner), searching for the required group or team and selecting Add. You can also remove the user from a group or team by selecting the Arrow symbol next to the group.



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