This scenario looks at combating both the goal from Scenario 1 - moving all your Google AU account data to an Archive solution in Google Cloud Storage - and also the additional goal from Scenario 2 - making sure AU account document and folder sharing remains in place across the organisation.
- The customer does not require any AU account data to remain within Google Workspace.
- The Google Workspace VFE/AU account data must be retained by the customer so cannot simply be deleted from Google Workspace.
- The internal Google Workspace VFE/AU accounts have business critical folder and document sharing in place across live users and must be retained.
- The Google Workspace VFE/AU accounts cannot be deleted while document and folder sharing still belongs to the AU accounts.
CloudM Migrate
CloudM Migrate can be used to quickly and securely move your VFE data from Google Vault to Google Cloud Storage, which means you can keep the data (in line with data retention policies) without needing to use Google AU actual licenses. In addition, you can also move all the data in bulk, helping you migrate as much of the required data away from Google AU Vault before your renewal date (depending on when you start the process).
Reduced costs: There is still a cost - CloudM Migrate licenses and monthly Cloud Storage costs. But, the combined cost is still typically drastically less than paying for Google AU licenses (up to a 75% reduction).
CloudM Automate
CloudM Automate allows you to set offboarding policies so that ownership of resources are automatically transferred to specified live users when an employee leaves your organization (or centralised Google Workspace accounts managed by IT).
This means that business critical files and folders, as well as other resources such as calendars, are never orphaned, the existing sharing permissions stay in place, and you do not need to use Archive User (AU) licenses to keep the former employee's data.
CloudM Archive
Connecting your Google Cloud Storage bucket to CloudM Archive provides you with a quick and easy method to find and restore archived files, or emails or a complete user account back to a user account to any live user within your Google domain.
The CloudM Archive UI shows the file and mail data stored in the Google Cloud Storage bucket in an indexed view (by user), allowing you to drill down and find specific files or emails to restore. The view only shows the name of the file or the subject line of the email, allowing you to keep the context secure until it is restored to a user.
Adding a retention policy means that data is automatically purged from the Cloud Storage bucket after a set period of time, keeping you compliant with data regulation rules and minimizing storage costs.
Key articles
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Archive |