Menu location: License pools/My license pools
If you have placed a bulk license order it will appear here.
The orders are listed with the following information:
- Name
- Owner
- License pool type [Note: Currently only available as ‘Only set to Any Migrate licenses for Google’
- Total [licenses]
- Available [licenses]
- Expiry date
- Created date
Select the order from the page to view the details.
There are four tabs available within the license pool page.
- Overview
- License keys
- Top up history
- Usage
The License pool Overview tab details page will be displayed and provide the following information.
- Name
- Status
- License pool type
- License count
- Owner
- Date created
- Expiry date
- Date
- Order number
- Count
- Action
- Available
Overview tab
Click on a license pool to open up the Overview tab and details of the license pool.
Simply click the Use licese pool button in the top right to confirm an order of Migrate licenses from this pool. The order will be activated and shown in the Usage tab within this page.
The License Keys tab provides a view of all license keys. Click to open a row and view the details of the order. The details provided are as follows:
- License pool [pool name]
- Status [active or expired]
- Email [contact]
- Key [license activation key]
- License count [license volume fo rthis pool]
- Used [quantity of licenses consumed]
- Available [quantity of licenses available for use]
- Expiry date [date the pool will expire]
- Passcode required [the claim code that can be used for sending to users to claim licensing from this pool]
- Assigned by [the CloudM Portal user that created the pool]
- Enabled [if the license pool is enabled for use or not]
- Date crated [the creation date of the license pool]
Note: Use the Edit button to make changes.
Claims tab [within the Overview tab]
View the claims made against this license pool.
Usage tab [within the Overview tab]
View the orders created that are using the license pool total purchased licenses.
Click a row to view the details of the order:
Top up history tab
View the history of additional top up licenses that have been added to the license pool.
- Order number
- License pool
- License pool type
- Quantity
- Ordered by
- Date
Click to view the license pool order details:
Usage tab
View the domain license orders and license pool orders that have been used.
Note: You can click to view each row within the order details.
Domain license orders:
- Order number
- Product
- Domain
- Quantity
- Ordered by
- Date
License pool orders
- Order number
- License pool
- License pool type
- Quantity
- Ordered by
- Date