Menu location: Partner account/Manage my users
Note: This section/page is only available to registered and onboarded CloudM Partners.
Note: This is only visible to User type 3 accounts to view and manage.
Note: You can export the table to a CSV file. See the CSV Export KB page for more information.
Adding a user
Use the top right Add user button to register a new user for your partner account. You will be prompted to add the following details.
- User type (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier3)
- Full name
- Job title
- Phone number
Once you add a user they will receive an email asking them to activate the account. Once this is completed they can use the details to login and access their CloudM Portal account.
Users table
An overview of all your user accounts. Each row [a user] can be selected to manage their specific details. The table of users provides the following information:
- Name (full name)
- Status (active or suspended)
- User type (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier3)
- Last login
Note: the table can be sorted by Names, Email and Last login.
View a user
Selecting a user [clicking their row] will present you with the User details view of their account containing the following sections and information.
User Details
- User type
- Name
- Partner
- Phone
- Job title
- Upload or delete photo
- Click to view all address details and VAT code
Portal details
- Status
- Registration date
- Last login date
- Last password change
- OAuth account(s)
Edit user courses
Use the Edit button to manage the courses available to the user.
Note: Training courses need to be enabled on your CloudM Portal account. If they are not available please contact your account manager or