The Backup Status screen allows you to search for and view all backups carried out on the domain, including those that are in progress. You can also see how many backup policies you have applied, the total number of users on your domain and total data storage used.
User Backups status
To see information about backups of user data navigate to the User Backups tab.
This screen allows you to quickly view the Backup status for every user that you have data stored for. This includes users with active backup policies and any user that does not have an active policy but their data is still in the retention period.
At the top of the screen, you will see a quick overview:
- Users with backup policy - This statistic shows you the number of users that currently have a backup policy assigned (the first number) and the overall number of users that you have on the domain (the second number).
- Total data storage used - The current amount of data that is stored in your cloud storage bucket.
In the table, you will see a list that shows the last backup for each user, including:
- Latest Backup - The date and time of the latest backup of each data type (Mail / Drive) for the specified user
- User - The user that the data was backed up from
- Policy - The current policy that is assigned to the user
- Status - The current status of the latest backup process for each data type. If only one data type has been backed up, the status of the other data type will be classed as undefined.
You can filter the results that are displayed in the list by:
- Entering the email of the user in the Search field,
- Using the Policy drop down menu to only show backups for users that have the specified policy currently assigned.
Clicking on a specific user in the list will prompt an additional information panel to be displayed on the right hand side of the screen. Each tab (Mail or Drive) includes:
Initial Backup Details
View the details of the first mail or drive backup for the user
- Backup date
- Successful imports
- Failed imports
- Successful exports
- Failed exports
- Retry / Accept - These buttons will only show if the initial backup for the data type included errors and allows you to either manually trigger a new initial backup or accept the failed process.
Backup History
View a log of all the backups attempted for the user including the date and time of the backup and the status of the process. Clicking on the arrow will show the additional information:
- Backup policy (assigned at the time of the backup)
- Items succeeded
- Items failed
- Items deleted (Mail only)
- Labels added (Mail only)
- Labels removed (Mail only)
Shared Drives Backups status
To see information about backups of Shared Drives navigate to the Shared Drives Backups tab.
This screen allows you to quickly view the Backup status for every Shared Drives that you have data stored for. This includes Shared Drives with active backup policies and any Shared Drives that do not have an active policy but the data is still in the retention period.
At the top of the screen, you will see a quick overview:
- Shared Drives with backup policy - This statistic shows you the number of Shared Drives that currently have a backup policy assigned (the first number) and the overall number of Shared Drives that you have on the domain (the second number).
- Total data storage used - The current amount of data that is stored in your cloud storage bucket.
In the table, you will see a list that shows the last backup for each Shared Drive, including:
- Latest Backup - The date and time of the latest backup for the specified Shared Drives
- Shared Drive - The Shared Drive that the data was backed up from
- Policy - The current policy that is assigned to the Shared Drive
- Status - The current status of the latest backup process
You can filter the results that are displayed in the list by:
- Entering the name of the Shared Drive in the Search field,
- Using the Policy drop down menu to only show backups for Shared Drives that have the specified policy currently assigned.
Clicking on a specific Shared Drive in the list will prompt an additional information panel to be displayed on the right hand side of the screen. The panel includes:
Initial Backup Details
View the details of the first backup for the Shared Drive
- Backup date
- Successful imports
- Failed imports
- Successful exports
- Failed exports
- Retry / Accept - These buttons will only show if the initial backup included errors and allows you to either manually trigger a new initial backup or accept the failed process.
Backup History
View a log of all the backups attempted for the Shared Drive including the date and time of the backup and the status of the process. Clicking on the arrow will show the additional information:
- Backup policy (assigned at the time of the backup)
- Items succeeded
- Items failed