How to run a restoration from Backup

You can restore all backed up data for a user, organizational unit, smart team, entire domain, Shared Drive or deleted users.

You can also view and download individual Mail and Drive items - see Download individual items section.


Restore individual user

Restore multiple users

Restore Organizational Unit or Smart Team

Restore all users / entire domain

Restore individual Shared Drive

Restore multiple Shared Drives

Restore deleted user

Restore individual item(s) - Users

Restore individual item(s) - Shared Drive

Restore Folder(s) - Users

Restore Folder(s) - Shared Drive

Download individual item(s) - Users

Download individual item(s) - Shared Drives


Restore individual user

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. If you are on a different tab, select Users at the top of the screen to return to the tab,
  3. You will see the full list of users that have data backed up. To filter the list:
    • Enter the email address of the user in the Search field. As you enter details, the list will automatically filter,
    • Use the Select Policy to filter the list to only the users that have a particular policy assigned to them.
  4. Click on the user that you want to restore.
  5. The next screen will be specific to the user that you have selected,
  6. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
    • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  7. By default, the user to restore to is always set as the original user (the user that the data was backed up from). You can change the user if you need to restore the backup to a different user (e.g. a manager, admin or colleague).
  8. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  9. Decide whether you want to restore Mail and / or Drive data (if that data is backed up as part of their policy) by placing a check in the checkbox under the relevant data type.
  10. You can add a custom mail label or Drive folder name that the data will be restored to. 
  11. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  12. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  13. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  14. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  15. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 


Restore multiple users

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. If you are on a different tab, select Users at the top of the screen to return to the tab,
  3. You will see the full list of users that have data backed up. To filter the list:
    • Enter the email address of the user in the Search field. As you enter details, the list will automatically filter,
    • Use the Select Policy to filter the list to only the users that have a particular policy assigned to them.
  4. Place a tick in the checkbox on any user that you want to restore.
  5. Once you have selected multiple users, the Restore Selected button will be enabled. Click the button.
  6. The next screen will be specific to the users that you have selected,
  7. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
    • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  8. When multiple users are selected, you can only restore data back to the original user.
  9. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the Pill icon to enable (orange). 
  10. Decide whether you want to restore Mail and / or Drive data (if that data is backed up as part of their policy) by placing a check in the checkbox under the relevant data type.
  11. You can add a custom mail label or Drive folder name that the data will be restored to.
  12. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact.
  13. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  14. At the bottom of the screen, you will see the Selected Users to Restore section. Double check that the required users are included.
  15. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  16. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  17. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Restore Organizational Unit or Smart Team

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. Select either the Org Unit or Smart Team tab.
  3. You will see the full hierarchical Org Unit or Smart Team list for your domain.
  4. Place a tick in the checkbox on any OU / Smart Team that you want to restore.
  5. Once you have selected all the relevant Org Units or Smart Teams, the Restore Selected button will be enabled. Select the button.
  6. The next screen will be specific to the OUs or Smart Teams that you have selected,
  7. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
    • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  8. You can only restore data back to the original user.
  9. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the Pill icon to enable (orange). 
  10. Decide whether you want to restore Mail and / or Drive data (if that data is backed up as part of their policy) by placing a check in the checkbox under the relevant data type.
  11. You can add a custom mail label or Drive folder name that the data will be restored to.
  12. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact.
  13. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  14. At the bottom of the screen, you will see the Selected Org Units / Smart Teams to Restore section. Double check that the required users are included.
  15. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  16. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  17. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Restore all users / entire domain

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. Select the All Users tab.
  3. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
    • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  4. You can only restore data back to the original user.
  5. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the Pill icon to enable (orange). 
  6. Decide whether you want to restore Mail and / or Drive data (if that data is backed up as part of their policy) by placing a check in the checkbox under the relevant data type.
  7. You can add a custom mail label or Drive folder name that the data will be restored to.
  8. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact.
  9. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  10. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  11. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  12. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Restore individual Shared Drive

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. Select the Shared Drives tab at the top of the screen,
  3. You will see the full list of Shared Drives that have data backed up. To filter the list:
  • Enter the Shared Drive name in the Search field. As you enter details, the list will automatically filter,
  • Use the Select Policy to filter the list to only the Shared Drives that have a particular policy assigned to them.
  1. Click on the Shared Drive that you want to restore.
  2. The next screen will be specific to the Shared Drive that you have selected,
  3. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
  • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  1. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  2. Select which Shared Drive you want to restore the data to - you can restore either to the original Shared Drive or any other existing Shared Drive (that has synced and propagated to our system) or to a new Shared Drive. You can set the name of the folder the data will be restored to.Note: the new shared drive created during the restoration process will not have a backup policy applied to it unless you have a default Shared Drive backup policy configured (See How to create a backup policy and How to assign a backup policy). 
  3. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the files will be restored with all their original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  4. Set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  5. You can choose to Preserve Shared Drive permissions. If it is enabled, the new Shared Drive will have the original Share Drive permissions intact.
  6. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  7. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  8. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Restore multiple Shared Drives

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. Select the Shared Drives tab at the top of the screen,
  3. You will see the full list of Shared Drives that have data backed up. To filter the list:
  • Enter the Shared Drive name in the Search field. As you enter details, the list will automatically filter,
  • Use the Select Policy to filter the list to only the Shared Drives that have a particular policy assigned to them.
  1. Place a tick in the checkbox on any Shared Drive that you want to restore.
  2. Once you have selected multiple Shared Drives, the Restore Selected button will be enabled. Click the button.
  3. The next screen will be specific to the Shared Drives that you have selected,
  4. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
  • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  1. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  2. Select which Shared Drive you want to restore the data to - you can restore either to the original Shared Drive or any other existing Shared Drive (that has synced and propagated to our system). You can set the name of the folder the data will be restored to.
  3. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the files will be restored with all their original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  4. Set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  5. You can choose to Preserve Shared Drive permissions. If it is enabled, the new Shared Drive will have the original Share Drive permissions intact.
  6. At the bottom of the screen, you will see the Selected Shared Drives to Restore section, including names that will be given to the new Shared Drives. Double check that the required Shared Drives are included.
  7. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  8. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  9. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Restore deleted user

  1. Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Full Restoration in the sub menu,
  2. By default, the Full Restore screen will show the Users tab. Select the Deleted Users tab,
  3. You will see the full list of deleted users that have data backed up. To filter the list:
  • Enter the email address of the user in the Search field. As you enter details, the list will automatically filter,
  • Use the Select Policy to filter the list to only the users that have a particular policy assigned to them.
  1. Click on the user that you want to restore.
  2. The next screen will be specific to the user that you have selected,
  3. You can use the Timestamp field to select a date and time to restore data that was backed up at a specific time. This means that the version restored will be exactly as it was at that date and time based on the closest previous backup, not including any changes made after.
  • By default, the restoration will be for the Latest Backup.
  1. Choose the user you want to restore the data to.
  2. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  3. Decide whether you want to restore Mail and / or Drive data (if that data is backed up as part of their policy) by placing a check in the checkbox under the relevant data type.
  4. You can add a custom mail label or Drive folder name that the data will be restored to. 
  5. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  6. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  7. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  8. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  9. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 


Restore individual item(s)


Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Users tab will display a list of all users that you currently have backups stored for. 

The table displays:

  • User - The user that has been backed up
  • Email - The email address of the backed up user
  • Policy - The current backup policy assigned to the user
  • Latest Backup - The last time any data was backed up for the user
  • Initial Backup Status - The status of the initial backup

Click on the user for a more detailed view of the data stored for them, including versions of each item that are available.


On the Mail tab, you will see a list of every email that is currently stored for the user.

The table displays:

  • User - The user that has been backed up
  • Email - The email address of the backed up user
  • Policy - The current backup policy assigned to the user
  • Latest Backup - The last time any data was backed up for the user
  • Initial Backup Status - The status of the initial backup

By default, the table shows the latest version of backed up items. You can use the date/time picker to view previous versions of backed up items available at that time. You can use the Latest Backup button to revert to the latest version.


To restore individual Mail item(s):

  1. Select the date and time you want to restore from. By default, you will see the latest version of items.
  2. Select the tickbox(es) next to the mail(s) you want to restore and then click Restore Selected
  3. By default, the user to restore to is always set as the original user (the user that the data was backed up from). You can change the user if you need to restore the backup to a different user (e.g. a manager, admin or colleague).
  4. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  5. You can add a custom mail label that the data will be restored to. 
  6. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  7. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  8. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Alternatively, you can also click on an individual Mail or Drive item and click the Restore button next to the version you want to restore.



On the Drive tab, you will see a list of every file and folder stored for the user. The table includes:

  • Name - The name of the item or folder
  • Size - The size of the file
  • Date Created - The date that the original file or folder was created by the user.
  • Last Modified - The date that the last modification was made to the file or folder by the user

By default, the table shows the latest version of backed up items. You can use the date/time picker to view previous versions of backed up items available at that time. You can use the Latest Backup button to revert to the latest version.


To restore individual Drive item(s):

  1. Select the date and time you want to restore from. By default, you will see the latest version of items.
  2. Select the tickbox(es) next to the item(s) you want to restore and then click Restore Selected
  3. By default, the user to restore to is always set as the original user (the user that the data was backed up from). You can change the user if you need to restore the backup to a different user (e.g. a manager, admin or colleague).
  4. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  5. You can add a custom Drive folder name that the data will be restored to. 
  6. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  7. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  8. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  9. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  10. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 


Alternatively, you can also click on an individual Drive item and click the Restore button next to the version you want to restore.


Shared Drives

Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Shared Drives tab will display a list of all Shared Drives that you currently have backups stored for. 

The table displays:

  • Shared Drive - The Shared Drive that has been backed up
  • Policy - The current backup policy assigned to the Shared Drive
  • Latest Backup - The last time any data was backed up for the user
  • Initial Backup Status - The status of the initial backup

Click on the Shared Drive for a more detailed view of the data, including versions of each item that are available.

You will see a list of every file and folder stored for the Shared Drive. The table includes:

  • Name - The name of the item or folder
  • Size - The size of the file
  • Date Created - The date that the original file or folder was created by the user.
  • Last Modified - The date that the last modification was made to the file or folder by the user

By default, the table shows the latest version of backed-up items. You can change the date and time to display previous versions.


To restore individual Shared Drive item(s):

  1. Select the date and time you want to restore from. By default, you will see the latest version of items.
  2. Select the tickbox(es) next to the item(s) you want to restore and then click Restore Selected
  3. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange).
  4. Select which Shared Drive you want to restore the data to - you can restore either to the original Shared Drive or any other existing Shared Drive (that has synced and propagated to our system). You can set the name of the folder the data will be restored to.
  5. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  6. Set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  7. You can choose to Preserve Shared Drive permissions. If it is enabled, the new Shared Drive will have the original Share Drive permissions intact.
  8. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  9. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  10. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 


Alternatively, you can also click on an individual Shared Drive item and click the Restore button next to the version you want to restore. 


Restore Folder(s)


Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Users tab will display a list of all users that you currently have backups stored for. 

Click on the user for a more detailed view of the data stored for them, including versions of each item that are available.



On the Drive tab, you will see a list of every file and folder stored for the user. You can see a point-in-time folder structure of that user's Drive.  By default, the table shows the latest version of backed up items and their folder structure. You can change the date and time which will display previous versions of the user's folder structure.


To restore folders(s):

  1. Select the date and time you want to restore from. By default, you will see the latest version of items including folder structure.  By changing the date and time you will see any changes to the Drive structure including the folder structure.
  2. You can view the Drive folder structure on the left hand menu and navigate into folders by clicking on the drop down arrow if it has nested folders within and clicking on the folder you'd like to see the contents of.
  3. Select the tickbox(es) next to the folder(s) you want to restore and then click Restore Selected. You can combine restoring both inividual items and folders. If you restore a folder, all items within that folder will be selected and you won't be able to unselect these items unless you unselect the folder. 
  4. When you restore a folder any sub-folders and content within these folders will also be restored. 
  5. By default, the user to restore to is always set as the original user (the user that the data was backed up from). You can change the user if you need to restore the backup to a different user (e.g. a manager, admin or colleague).
  6. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  7. You can add a custom Drive folder name that the data will be restored to. 
  8. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  9. The final setting is to set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  10. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  11. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  12. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen. 

Alternatively, you can also click on an individual folder and click the Restore button next to the version you want to restore. 

Shared Drives

Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Shared Drives tab will display a list of all Shared Drives that you currently have backups stored for. 

Click on a Drive for a more detailed view of the data stored for them, including versions of each item that are available.


By default, the table shows the latest version of backed up items and their folder structure. You can change the date and time which will display previous versions of the Drive's folder structure.

To restore folders(s):

  1. Select the date and time you want to restore from. By default, you will see the latest version of items including folder structure.  By changing the date and time you will see any changes to the Drive structure including the folder structure.
  2. You can view the Drive folder structure on the left hand menu and navigate into folders by clicking on the drop down arrow if it has nested folders within and clicking on the folder you'd like to see the contents of.
  3. Select the tickbox(es) next to the folder(s) you want to restore and then click Restore Selected. You can combine restoring both inividual items and folders. If you restore a folder, all items within that folder will be selected and you won't be able to unselect these items unless you unselect the folder. 
  4. Next, decide if you would like to include deleted items. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange).
  5. Select which Shared Drive you want to restore the data to - you can restore either to the original Shared Drive or any other existing Shared Drive (that has synced and propagated to our system). You can set the name of the folder the data will be restored to.
  6. You can enable the Preserve file permissions setting. If it is enabled, the file will be restored with all its original access permissions for that specific version of the file intact. By default, this option is set to disabled. Click on the pill icon to enable (orange). 
  7. Set whether to Restore to original file type. When Google files are backed up, they are converted to Microsoft formats (e.g. docx, xlsx and pptx) as they are easier to transfer and store. This setting changes the format back to the original file type when enabled (e.g. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides).
  8. You can choose to Preserve Shared Drive permissions. If it is enabled, the new Shared Drive will have the original Share Drive permissions intact.
  9. Now, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Restore.
  10. You will see a Confirmation pop up box that prompts you to either confirm the restore (Yes) or Cancel.
  11. On confirmation, the restoration process will start. You can follow the process on the Restoration Status screen.

Alternatively, you can also click on an individual folder and click the Restore button next to the version you want to restore. 


Download individual item(s)

You can find (and download) any backed up version of any item. 


Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Users tab will display a list of all users that you currently have backups stored for. 

The table displays:

  • User - The user that has been backed up
  • Email - The email address of the backed up user
  • Policy - The current backup policy assigned to the user
  • Latest Backup - The last time any data was backed up for the user
  • Initial Backup Status - The status of the initial backup

Click on the user for a more detailed view of the data stored for them, including versions of each item that are available.



On the Mail tab, you will see a list of every email that is currently stored for the user. The table displays:

  • From - The user that sent the original email
  • Subject - The subject line of the email
  • Attachment - The attachment icon (paper clip) will be displayed if the email has an attachment included
  • Date Created - The original date that the email was sent to the recipient

Clicking on a specific email will show more details (in an additional information panel), including:

  • Subject - The subject line of the email
  • From - The user that sent the original email
  • Recipients - All recipients of the email thread
  • Size - The data size of the email
  • Date - The date of the latest version of the email
  • Download - The Download button allows you to download the latest version of the email. The item is downloaded in .eml format

The Backup History section shows a log of each version of the item that has been backed up. On the initial line, you will see the date and time that the item was backed up and the action that was applied to the item (e.g. Messages added, Label added). Clicking on the arrow next to each version allows you to view all the labels applied and the labels changed in this version.

If the message has been changed, you will also see a Download button that allows you to download that specific version of the email in .eml format.



On the Drive tab, you will see a list of every file and folder stored for the user. The table includes:

  • Name - The name of the item or folder
  • Size - The size of the file
  • Date Created - The date that the original file or folder was created by the user.
  • Last Modified - The date that the last modification was made to the file or folder by the user

Clicking on a specific file or folder will show more details (in an additional information panel), including:

  • Size - The data size of the item
  • MIME type - Classifies the format of the item
  • Mime group - The format of the item e.g. spreadsheet
  • Shared with - Who the item was shared with
  • Date created - The date the item was originally created
  • Date updated - The date of the latest version of the item

The Backup History section shows a log of each version of the item that has been backed up. On the initial line, you will see the date and time that the item was backed up and the action that was applied to the item (e.g. Created, Edited, Deleted). Clicking on the arrow next to each version, you will also see a Download button that allows you to download that specific version of the item. Items will be downloaded in the relevant Microsoft 365 format (e.g. Documents are downloaded in .docx format).

Shared Drives

Select Backup from the main navigation menu and then select Item Restoration in the sub menu,

Shared Drives tab will display a list of all Shared Drives that you currently have backups stored for. 

The table displays:

  • Shared Drive - The Shared Drive that has been backed up
  • Policy - The current backup policy assigned to the Shared Drive
  • Latest Backup - The last time any data was backed up for the user
  • Initial Backup Status - The status of the initial backup

Click on the Shared Drive for a more detailed view of the data, including versions of each item that are available.

You will see a list of every file and folder stored for the Shared Drive. The table includes:

  • Name - The name of the item or folder
  • Size - The size of the file
  • Date Created - The date that the original file or folder was created by the user.
  • Last Modified - The date that the last modification was made to the file or folder by the user

Clicking on a specific file or folder will show more details (in an additional information panel), including:

  • Size - The data size of the item
  • MIME type - Classifies the format of the item
  • Mime group - The format of the item e.g. spreadsheet
  • Shared with - Who the item was shared with
  • Date created - The date the item was originally created
  • Date updated - The date of the latest version of the item

The Backup History section shows a log of each version of the item that has been backed up. On the initial line, you will see the date and time that the item was backed up and the action that was applied to the item (e.g. Created, Edited, Deleted). Clicking on the arrow next to each version, you will also see a Download button that allows you to download that specific version of the item. Items will be downloaded in the relevant Microsoft 365 format (e.g. Documents are downloaded in .docx format).

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