There are many factors that can affect performance when migrating to the destination systems, including upstream bandwidth, internal network factors, workstation speed, disk speed, available memory. The size of user’s mailboxes and the number of messages in them also affects performance. In order to get the best possible performance the first thing to ensure is that the migration station and all connections to and from it are as fast as possible. Following on from this, the way the tool is configured can also have a large impact in the speed at which a migration can proceed.
Using Cloud Hosted Virtual Machines
CloudM Migrate can be setup using Cloud Hosting such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. Using hosted Virtual Machines like this is often a great way to setup multiple migration workstations.
Anti-virus should also be prevented from scanning C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions
to prevent it from scanning every message as it passes through the system and hence slow down all migrations.
In almost all cases, performance is limited by upstream bandwidth, or the speed of the network connection.
Usually the best way to obtain optimal performance, after making sure all local factors are as favorable as possible, is to migrate many users simultaneously. Destination systems often restrict the speed at which users can be migrated, but this is on a per-user basis and not usually on a domain basis. This means that migrating one user (if the rate is limited for that user) can often take as long as migrating ten users. It is therefore advisable to migrate as many users as possible simultaneously.
Migrate Many Users Simultaneously
The way to get the best performance from the tool is to migrate many users simultaneously. Often, migrating one user can take as long as migrating ten users.
The number of users that can be migrated simultaneously can be affected somewhat by local bandwidth restrictions. For example, if there is limited upstream bandwidth, then in this case it can make sense to limit the number of simultaneous users that are migrated. If bandwidth is high, then migrating many simultaneous users is highly recommended to achieve the best throughput. An upper limit of 20 simultaneous users is suggested. With higher numbers performance can be adversely affected by CPU and memory usage. To migrate more than 20 simultaneous users, we recommend setting up multiple migration workstations, each processing many users. This way CPU and memory is only an issue per-workstation and very large numbers can be migrated at one time, providing bandwidth is high.
Perform a Test Migration
The best way to determine performance for your site is to perform a pilot migration with a representative number of users and examine performance. Often a migration of just one user may be carried out to ensure that mails, appointments and contacts are migrated correctly, but this alone does not give a true indication of the performance that can be obtained from migrating many users simultaneously. When the performance from your site has been established, a full migration plan can be established.
See also
"Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program"