How to run a restoration from Archive

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Data is only archived from a user's drive. Items that the user has access to in Shared Drives will not be archived.


To restore data to a current CloudM Automate user

Partial Restoration

If you only want to restore some items:

  1. In CloudM Automate, select Archive > Partial Restoration.
  2. You will see a table of all users whose data is currently stored in the Cloud Storage bucket.
  3. Select the name of the user whose archived data you want to restore.
  4. On the next screen, you will see a Mail and a Drive tab.
  5. Select the tab for the type of data you want to restore. 
    1. You can only restore one type of data (Mail or Drive) at a time here. 
    2. Archived Chat data will be displayed under the Mail tab (as Chats are converted into email format) with a Chat label to distinguish it from other mail. Chat is only available for Google domains.
    3. Restored chat messages will be displayed as emails. Each email will include a transcript of up to 500 messages from the chat thread (including all messages from both sender and recipient). If the number of messages in the chat thread exceeds 500, the transcript will continue in a separate email / emails.
    4. Data that has been archived from Vault is included under the relevant Mail and Drive tabs, but will have a specific label attached (denoting that it has archived from Vault).
  6. On the Mail tab, you can filter the data shown by:
    1. Clicking on the Search mail field and using the filter options (refer to the Searchable Metadata section at the bottom of this article for more information),
    2. Selecting the Date range field and using the calendar to specify the date range that you want to search,
    3. Selecting the Mail folder / label that you want to search,
  7. On the Drive tab, you can filter the data shown by:
    1. Clicking on the Search mail field and using the filter options (refer to the Searchable Metadata section at the bottom of this article for more information),
    2. Selecting the Date range field and using the calendar to specify the date range that you want to search,
    3. Selecting the Drive folder you want to search.
  8. Next, select the data that you want to restore by placing a tick in the required checkboxes. As you select items to restore, the number will be displayed on the Restore x items button.
    1. Drive Folders will not have checkboxes next to them. Click on the folder name to see the content within the folder.
    2. Click on the checkbox at the top of the table and select whether to Select All (all archived data of the selected type for the user) or Select all on the page (only the archived data on the current page, depending on the selected Items per page).
  9. Select the Restore x items button.
  10. In the pop-up box, select the user that you want to Restore to and a Label or Folder name that the items will be restored to. 
  11. Click Restore.
  12. Once the restoration starts, it will be displayed in the Archive > Restoration Status section, and the Status will show that the process is Running. 

Full Restoration

If you want to restore the whole user, or all Drive or all Mail data:

  1. In CloudM Automate, select Archive > Full Restoration.
  2. You will see a table of all users whose data is currently stored in the Cloud Storage bucket.
  3. Select the name of the user whose archived data you want to restore.
  4. You can filter the data by selecting the Date range field and using the calendar to specify the date range that you want to search,
  5. Select the user that you want to Restore to.
  6. Select if you want to restore Mail or Drive data - by default both will be selected,
  7. Select a Label and/or Folder name that the items will be restored to. 
  8. Click Restore.
  9. Once the restoration starts, it will be displayed in the Archive > Restoration Status section, and the Status will show that the process is Running.


Searchable Metadata options


  • Name
  • Email
  • Organization (when CloudM Automate is used)
  • Archive date range

Mail / Chat

  • Label
  • From address
  • Subject
  • Has attachment
  • Date range (sent/received)


  • Title
  • File type
    • Document
    • Spreadsheet
    • Presentation
    • Text
    • Image
    • PDF
    • Folder
    • Audio
    • Video
    • Zip
    • Other
  • Date range (modified date)
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