BigQuery Severity Type |
Info |
Warning |
Error |
BigQuery Context Type | Behaviour |
LoginUser | Login User |
OrgUnit | Organisation unit |
Profile | Profile |
System | Domain |
ArchiveConfiguration | Archive configuration |
AuditToolSettings | Audit Tool settings |
BigQueryConfig | BigQuery settings |
Contact | Contact |
Domain | Domain |
DomainCustomization | Domain Customisation |
SharedContact | External contact |
Blob | File |
Calendar | Google Calendar |
GoogleGroup | Google Group |
IntegrationRequest | Integration request |
IntegrationSettings | Integration settings |
Role | Role |
RoleAssignmentOU | Role Assignment for OU |
RoleAssignmentServiceAccount | Role Assignment for Service Account |
RoleAssignmentExternalGroup | Role Assignment for external group |
RoleAssignmentExternalProfile | Role Assignment for external profile |
RoleAssignmentGroup | Role Assignment for group |
RoleAssignment | Role Assignment for user |
SsoSettings | SSO settings |
Salesforce | Salesforce |
Share | Share |
SmartTeam | Smart Team |
SmartCircle | Smart circle |
SmartContactGroup | Smart contacts |
SmartGroup | Smart group |
SmartGroupMember | Smart group member |
Workflow | Workflow |
BigQuery Operation Type | Behaviour |
TwoFAActivated | 2-Step Verification Activated |
TwoFABackupCodesActivated | 2-Step Verification Backup Codes Activated |
TwoFABackupCodesDectivated | 2-Step Verification Backup Codes Deactivated |
TwoFADectivated | 2-Step Verification Deactivated |
TwoFABackupMailAddressesSaved | 2-Step Verification Fallback E-mails Changed |
AcceptShare | Accept Share |
AddAlias | Add Alias |
AddAliasFailed | Add Alias Failed |
AddDocumentFailed | Add Document Failed |
ApproveAdvancedCustomLogin | Approve Advanced Custom Login |
ApproveWorkflow | Approve Workflow |
Archive | Archive |
ArchiveAborted | Archive Aborted |
ArchiveFailed | Archive Failed |
ArchivePurgeFailed | Archive Purge Failed |
ArchivePurgeStarted | Archive Purge Started |
ArchivePurgeSucceeded | Archive Purge Succeeded |
ArchiveStarted | Archive Started |
ArchiveSucceeded | Archive Succeeded |
AssignAlias | Assign Alias |
RemoveCalendarOwnerFailed | Calendar Delegate Remove Failed |
RemoveCalendarOwner | Calendar Delegate Removed |
UpdateCalendarDelegateFailed | Calendar Delegate Update Failed |
UpdateCalendarDelegate | Calendar Delegate Updated |
CalendarTimeZoneChange | Calendar TimeZone Change |
CalendarTimeZoneChangeFailed | Calendar TimeZone Change Failed |
ConnectorInstallation | Connector Installation |
CopyToMyContacts | Copy To My Contacts |
CopyToMyContactsFailed | Copy To My Contacts Failed |
Create | Create |
CreateFailed | Create Failed |
CsvExport | Csv Export |
CsvExportFailed | Csv Export Failed |
CsvImport | Csv Import |
CsvImportEmpty | Csv Import Empty |
CsvImportExpired | Csv Import Expired |
CsvImportFailed | Csv Import Failed |
DeclineAdvancedCustomLogin | Decline Advanced Custom Login |
DeclineShare | Decline Share |
DelegateAccess | Delegate Access |
DelegateAccessFailed | Delegate Access Failed |
DelegateAccessRemoveFailed | Delegate Access Remove Failed |
DelegateAccessRemoved | Delegate Access Removed |
AddCalendarOwner | Delegate Calendar |
AddCalendarOwnerFailed | Delegate Calendar Failed |
DelegatesExport | Delegates Export |
DelegatesExportFailed | Delegates Export Failed |
DelegatesSyncRequested | Delegates Sync Requested |
Delete | Delete |
DeleteFailed | Delete Failed |
CpInstalled | Domain installed |
CpUninstalled | Domain uninstalled |
EventLogExport | Event Log Export |
EventLogExportFailed | Event Log Export Failed |
EventLogExportRunning | Event Log Export Running |
EventLogExportStarted | Event Log Export Started |
ForcePasswordChange | Force Password Change |
ForcePasswordChangeFailed | Force Password Change Failed |
GSuiteBackupCodesActivated | GSuiteBackupCodesActivated |
GSuiteBackupCodesDeactivated | GSuiteBackupCodesDeactivated |
GSuiteBackupCodesDeactivationSkipped | GSuiteBackupCodesDeactivationSkipped |
Hide | Hide |
PreventDeprovision | Hold |
PreventDeprovisionFailed | Hold Failed |
ImageNew | Image New |
ImageRemove | Image Remove |
IntegrationRequestFailed | Integration Request Failed |
IntegrationRequestSucceeded | Integration Request Succeeded |
LicenseCheck | License Check |
LicenseSyncProductNotFound | LicenseSyncProductNotFound |
LicenseSyncUserNotFound | LicenseSyncUserNotFound |
LicenseUpdateFailure | LicenseUpdateFailure |
LicenseUpdatePartialFailure | LicenseUpdatePartialFailure |
Lockoff | Lockoff |
LockoffReset | Lockoff Reset |
Login | Login |
LoginRestriction | Login Restriction |
LoginSSO | Login SSO |
LoginSSOFail | Login SSOFail |
LoginToExtDomain | Login To External Domain |
Logout | Logout |
LogoutSSO | Logout SSO |
MigrateEmail | Migrate Email |
Move | Move |
MoveFailed | Move Failed |
NotificationChannelsDisabled | NotificationChannelsDisabled |
NotificationChannelsEnabled | NotificationChannelsEnabled |
NotificationChannelsRefreshed | NotificationChannelsRefreshed |
ForgetDeprovisioned | Offboarding Forgotten |
OfferShare | Offer Share |
OutOfOffice | OutOfOffice |
OutOfOfficeFailure | OutOfOfficeFailure |
PasswordChange | Password Change |
PasswordChangeUsingRecovery | Password Change Using Recovery |
PasswordRecoveryReset | Password Recovery Reset |
PasswordRecoveryResetFailed | Password Recovery Reset Failed |
PasswordRecoverySet | Password Recovery Set |
PasswordChangeFailed | PasswordChangeFailed |
PhishingChallengeFailure | Phishing Challenge Failure |
PhishingChallengeSuccess | Phishing Challenge Success |
CpPremiumDisabled | Premium disabled |
CpPremiumEnabled | Premium enabled |
LicenseUpdate | Profile License update |
LicenseUpdateAborted | Profile License update aborted |
AllowDeprovision | Release |
AllowDeprovisionFailed | Release Failed |
RemoveAlias | Remove Alias Failed |
RemoveAliasFailed | Remove Alias Failed |
RemoveFromGroups | Remove From Groups |
Rename | Rename |
ResetTwoStepsAuth | Reset Two Steps Auth |
RestoreAbortStarted | Restore Abort Started |
RestoreAborted | Restore Aborted |
RestoreFailed | Restore Failed |
RestoreForceReset | Restore Reset |
RestoreStarted | Restore Started |
RestoreSucceeded | Restore Succeeded |
ResumeWorkflow | ResumeWorkflow |
RevokeAsp | Revoke Application Specific Password |
RevokeAspFailed | Revoke Application Specific Password Failed |
RevokeToken | Revoke OAuth Token |
RevokeTokenFailed | Revoke OAuth Token Failed |
SSORequest | SSO Request |
SSORequestDenied | SSO Request Denied |
SSORequestFail | SSO Request Fail |
SalesforceUpdate | SalesforceUpdate |
SalesforceUpdateFailed | SalesforceUpdateFailed |
SmartTeamDisabled | Smart Team Disabled |
SmartTeamEnabled | Smart Team Enabled |
SuspendUser | Suspend User |
SyncAdd | Sync Add |
SyncCollabIndexFailed | Sync Collab Index Failed |
SyncCollabIndexStart | Sync Collab Index Start |
SyncCollabIndexUpdate | Sync Collab Index Update |
SyncContactsEnd | Sync Contacts End |
SyncContactsFail | Sync Contacts Fail |
SyncContactsStart | Sync Contacts Start |
SyncDelegatesEnd | Sync Delegates End |
SyncDelegatesStart | Sync Delegates Start |
SyncGroupMembersFail | Sync Group Members Fail |
SyncGroupsEnd | Sync Groups End |
SyncGroupsFail | Sync Groups Fail |
SyncGroupsStart | Sync Groups Start |
SyncMailSignatureFailed | Sync Mail Signature Failed |
SyncMailSignatureStarted | Sync Mail Signature Started |
SyncOrgEnd | Sync Org End |
SyncOrgFail | Sync Org Fail |
SyncOrgStart | Sync Org Start |
SyncRemove | Sync Remove |
SyncUpdate | Sync Update |
SyncUserEnd | Sync User End |
SyncUserFail | Sync User Fail |
SyncUserStart | Sync User Start |
TransferCalendarOwnership | Transfer Calendar Ownership |
AssetsMoved | Transfer Document Ownership |
TransferGroupMembership | Transfer Group Membership |
TransferMyContacts | Transfer My Contacts |
TransferSiteOwnership | Transfer Site Ownership |
TransferSiteOwnershipForbidden | Transfer Site Ownership Forbidden |
TwoFABlocked | TwoFABlocked |
U2FKeyActivated | U2FKeyActivated |
U2FKeyDeactivated | U2FKeyDeactivated |
UnfamiliarLogin | Unfamiliar Login |
Unhide | Unhide |
UnsuspendUser | Unsuspend User |
Update | Update |
UpdateFailed | Update Failed |
UserAccountRevoked | User Account Revoked |
WipeMobileDevice | Wipe Mobile Device |
WithdrawShare | Withdraw Share |
WorkflowAborted | Workflow Aborted |
WorkflowComplete | Workflow Complete |
WorkflowFailed | Workflow Failed |
WorkflowStalled | Workflow Stalled |
WorkflowStarted | Workflow Started |
WorkflowStepRetried | Workflow Step Retried |
WorkflowStepSkipped | Workflow Step Skipped |
WorkflowTargetsConfirmed | Workflow Targets Confirmed |
WorkflowStepPartiallySkipped | Workflow step partially skipped |