In CloudM Automate, you are able to create / delete / update users one by one. You may also need to do this for multiple users at the same time, or groups. In this case, CloudM Automate allows you to conduct bulk editing via either a CSV (comma separated file) or a Google Sheet. Each item type (user/contact/group) that requires some editing (creation / updating / deletion) requires different levels of compulsory and optional information, as such in this guide each item type will be broken down under each editing type.
Bulk Editing
Optional values only will be shown in each segment below. If you require a comprehensive list of valid optional headers, please see the Glossary section at the bottom of this guide.
Before going into how to make changes, it's best to describe how to export data first as this will allow for a template to be worked on and changed which can greatly reduce the time required from your point of view for setting up the file. To export current data, go to the Organizational Unit you want to get information for, then in the Actions menu (on the informational panel), you will be given an option to "Export Items". This will bring up a pop-up box asking if you would prefer the CSV in an email attachment or a Google Sheet deposited directly into your Drive. The other option for gathering a template file is to use our own blank template (linked below). This will work for creating new users reasonably well but if you want to update or delete legacy users, it may be easier to export as described above. Here is a link to a template you can download:
Blank Bulk Template File
Only one import is allowed at any one time. Use 'Check Import Status' from the OU 'Actions' menu to see if there is already one running.
You can import from a Shared Drive as well as your My Drive.
To create a user, you need to provide CloudM Automate with the minimum amount of information that would qualify as a valid Google Workspace Account, plus a few extra fields just for CloudM Automate:
- Record Type = Must be "USER"
- Given Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value.
- Family Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value.
- Id = A unique email address to use as their primary email value
- Operation = Must be "CREATE"
- Password = Any string (alphanumeric text) value that adheres to organisation password policy (if it does not match, creation will fail).
- Record Type = Must be "GROUP"
- Operation = Must be "CREATE"
- Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Email = A unique email address to use as the primary email value for the group
- IsDynamic = Must be "TRUE" or "FALSE"
When you export a set of results (e.g. Select an OU and use the Action menu to select Export Items) the default Operation value should be set to UPDATE.
Always check the Operation value before importing any data.
- Id = A unique email address to use as their primary email value
- Operation = Must be "UPDATE"
- Record Type = Must be "USER"
- Record Type = Must be "GROUP"
- Operation = Must be "UPDATE"
- Id = A unique value provided when the group is exported, do NOT change this.
- Record Type = Must be "USER"
- Id = A unique email address to use as their primary email value
- Parent Path = A string value that is the OU where the user exists and is being deleted from
- Operation = Must be "REMOVE"
- Record Type = Must be "GROUP"
- Operation = Must be "REMOVE"
- Id = A unique value provided when the group is exported, do NOT change this.
Password Reset
- Id = A unique email address to use as their primary email value
- Record Type = Must be "USER"
- Operation = Must be "RESET_PASSWORD"
- Password = Any string (alphanumeric text) value that adheres to organisation password policy (if it does not match, creation will fail).
- Note: Ensure this meets any password policy you have set or the update will fail.
- Reset Password =TRUE to force change password at next login, or FALSE. When logging in with CloudM Automate SSO only.
Force Change Password (only for users logging in using Google)
- Id = A unique email address to use as their primary email value
- Record Type = Must be "USER"
- Operation = Must be "FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD"
Notes on Editing Pre-Defined Fields
When editing 'Pre-defined fields' via bulk import there are several import features which are available to allow you manage multiple values for customers at once. Key to this are new 'Operation Fields' which can be used to manage these multiple values.
Once you have completed the export from the relevant OU you will see the users currently assigned custom fields.
Using the existing operators (CREATE/UPDATE/REMOVE) would cause all of these fields to be effected at once with no granular management. To help with this, we have added new 'Operation Fields' which allow you manage these values individually. To do this, you are are required to add a new column to the import CSV with the heading 'Custom Field x - Operation' which can then contain one of the following values ADD/REMOVE/CREATE.
In this example the value for the Custom Field 2 will be updated to 'XYZ321' from 'ABC123' (the exported value).
A further example is shown below to remove a Custom Field from the same user account. This example will remove the Custom Field 2 from the user in question and leave the remaining custom fields unaffected.
Glossary (All Potential Fields)
- Id = For a user this is the primary email address, and for groups this is provided when exported. Please do not edit in this case.
- Operation = Operation is either "CREATE", "UPDATE", “RESET_PASSWORD” or "REMOVE".
- If you need to force a password change at the next login (for users logging in using Google rather than the CloudM Automate SSO), Operation is "FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD"
- Record Type = This is the item we are working on. It must be one of "USER" or "GROUP"
- Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value.
- Given Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Additional Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Family Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Name Prefix = One of "Mr", "Mrs", "Miss", "Dr", or "Prof"
- Nickname = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Short Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Maiden Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Birthday = Provided in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
- Gender = One of "MALE", or "FEMALE"
- Subject = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Notes = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Organization # - Department = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Organization # - Job Description = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Organization # - Name = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Organization # - Title = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Organization # - Employment Type = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Alias Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing aliases even if none are specified.
- Alias # = Any string (alphanumeric text) value
- Email # - Type = One of "General", "Work", "Home", or "Other" (Prefix of * will set the value as primary)
- Email # - Value = A valid email address.
- Licence Product # - Value = A valid license product ID (e.g. Google-Apps as specified in this Google Product and SKU IDs article. Please note that the following licenses are not supported: Google Voice, Cloud Identity and Cloud Identity Premium)
- License SKU # - Value = A valid license SKU ID (e.g Google-Apps-Unlimited as specified in this Google Product and SKU IDs article. Please note that the following licenses are not supported: Google Voice, Cloud Identity and Cloud Identity Premium)
- Parent Path - Value = The parent Organizational Unit that the user belongs to.
- IM Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing IM addresses even if none are specified.
- IM # - Type = One of "AIM", "Google Talk", "ICQ", "Jabber", "MSN", "Netmeeting", "QQ", "Skype", or "Yahoo".
- IM # - Value = A valid IM address.
- Website Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing websites even if none are specified.
- Website # - Type = One of "Blog", "Ftp", "Home", "Home_Page", "Other", "Profile", or "Work"
- Website # - Value = A valid URL.
- Phone Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing telephone numbers even if none are specified.
- Phone # - Type = One of "Mobile", "Home", "Work", "Work_Mobile", "Callback", "Assistant", "Company", "Fax", "Home_Fax", "Work_Fax", "Other_Fax", "Pager", "Work_Pager", "Car", "Radio", "TTY_TDD", "ISDN", "Telex", "Other", or "Main" (Prefix of * will set the value as primary)
- Phone # - Value = A valid phone number
- Relation Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing relations even if none are specified.
- Relation # - Type = One of "Assistant" or "Manager"
- Relation # - Value = A name of the person.
- Address Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing addresses even if none are specified.
- Address # - Type = One of "Home", "Work", or "Other"
- Address # - Formatted = An address spread over multiple lines (line breaks accepted)
- Custom Field Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing custom fields (extra information) even if none are specified.
- Custom Field # - Type = Any string value that matches your custom types.
- Custom Field # - Value = Depending on the custom value either any string (alphanumeric text) value OR "TRUE", "FALSE".
- Custom Field # - Operation = "ADD, REMOVE or CHANGE" for the specific Custom Field.
- Tag Operation - "REPLACE" to replace all existing aliases even if none are specified.
- Tag # - Value = Any string value.
- Tag # - Font Color = Color of the tag text as 6 hexadecimal characters - RRGGBB e.g. ffffff.
- Tag # - Back Color = Color of the tag text as 6 hexadecimal characters - RRGGBB e.g. 0454cc.
- End Date = In the format of "YYYY-MM-DD".
- Suspended = One of "TRUE", or "FALSE"
- Hidden = One of "TRUE" or "FALSE"
- Hold = One of "TRUE" or "FALSE"
- Description = Any string (alphanumeric text) value.
- Query = A valid search query within CloudM Automate.
- Password = Any string (alphanumeric text) value that adheres to organisation password policy (if it does not match, creation will fail).
- ResetPassword = TRUE to force change password at next login, or FALSE. When logging in with CloudM Automate SSO only.