Create a new Group

Using the Group screen

You have the ability to start a Group from the Groups screen. 

To do so, simply:

  1. Select Directory from the Functions column on the left of the screen and then Groups from the pop out sub menu.  
  2. Click on Create new Group.
  3. Follow the creation wizard (as described later in this article)


Please note that this method will create a Group with no users automatically assigned to it, although you can set Dynamic member list in the wizard (which will automatically add a user to the Group if they meet a specific search criteria - e.g. they have a tag associated to their profile like "Car Share").

If you do not wish to set a dynamic member list, you will have to manually add members to the Group.


Converting an Organizational Unit to a Group

You can also quickly turn any Organizational Unit into a Group by:

  1. Selecting Directory > Org Units.
  2. Select the Organizational Unit that you wish to convert. The informational panel will slide in from the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Select Actions > Create Group
  4. Follow the creation wizard (as described later in this article).


The Dynamic members list will already be enabled with the search query already configured to automatically add any member added to the OU to the Group as well.


Using predefined tags and the People Finder Search Bar

Within your organisation, you may have a group of users who spread across the business and whose user profiles potentially sit in various operational units. An example of this would be members of a Carsharing group. You may have a business requirement to have a seperate deprovisioning policy governing what happens to these users data when they are off boarded from the company.

To allow you to do this without having to move all users into a single Organization Unit, you can perform the following steps;

  1. Configure a new domain wide predefined tag e.g. 'Manager' 
  2. Apply this tag to the user accounts which require the specific deprovisioning policy
  3. Perform an advanced search to return these accounts in the people finder. In this case, the required search term is 'tags:(Manager)'
  4. Expand the actions menu from the search results and select 'Create Group'
  5. Follow the creation wizard (as described later in this article).


The Dynamic members list will already be enabled with the search query already configured to automatically add any member that has the tag added to their profile to the Group as well.


Create New Group creation wizard

Regardless of the method that you have used above, you will be brought to the Create New Group screen. Here are the 4 stages that you will need to complete. Select Next to move on to the next step (although you will be stopped if you haven't filled in all required fields).

  1. Basics


  • Name - Enter a name for the Group
  • Email - Enter an email address for the Group
  • Description - Provide a short description of the Group
  • Tags - Add any Tags that you wish to add to the user profile of all members of the Group
  • Extra Information - Add any Extra Information that you wish to add to the user profile of all members of the Group.
  • Dynamic member list - Select the checkbox to enable a dynamic member list and add the criteria you want to apply, then press Search, 
    • You will see the number of search results that have been returned. Press on the number of results to see a list of all returned search results.


  1. Onboarding


  • Shared Calendars - Select the calendar of a user that you wish to share with a new member of the Group when they are onboarded. 


  1. Summary - View the settings that you have entered in the previous two stages. You can select Edit if the details are incorrect or you need to make any changes. Then, select Create Group.


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