Create a new Google Dynamic Group

To create a new Google Dynamic Group:

  1. Select Directory from the Functions column on the left of the screen and then Google Dynamic Groups from the pop out sub menu.  
  2. Click on Create New Group.
    • If the Create New Group button is disabled, you have reached the maximum amount of Dynamic Groups that can be created. An Admin with the Edit Max Dynamic Group Count permission can change the maximum number (up to a maximum of 100 as set by Google).
  3. Follow the creation wizard (below)


You will be brought to the Create New Group screen. Here are the 4 stages that you will need to complete. Select Next to move on to the next step (although you will be stopped if you haven't filled in all required fields).

  1. Basics


  • Name - Enter a name for the Group
  • Email - Enter an email address for the Group
  • Description - Provide a short description of the Group
  • Tags - Add any Tags that you wish to add to the user profile of all members of the Group
  • Extra Information - Add any Extra Information that you wish to add to the user profile of all members of the Group.
  • Search Query - Add the search query that is used to create the dynamic membership list for the Group. See the Membership query examples for dynamic groups article for more detail.


  1. Onboarding
  • Shared Documents- Select Add shared document and browse for any documents that you wish to share with a new member of the Smart Team when they are onboarded. 
  • Shared Calendars- Select Add shared calendar and select the calendar of a user that you wish to share with a new member of the Smart Team when they are onboarded. 


  1. Summary - View the settings that you have entered in the previous two stages. You can select Edit if the details are incorrect or you need to make any changes. Then, select Create Group.


The Google Dynamic Group will now appear in the table, and a sync will be started to update the information in Google. Until the Sync has taken place, you will see the Status of the Group as "Group members not yet synced with Google".


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