What is Migration History, and how does it work in CloudM Migrate?
When performing immediate migrations, the tool keeps track of messages which have been successfully migrated to the destination systems. This means that if for some reason the migration fails and is re-run, or you perform a delta migration, items that have already been migrated will not be processed again. For most situations, this is what is required and speeds up subsequent migrations considerably. However, there may be situations when you may wish to perform a migration from the beginning again for a user, or a set of users, such as when an account has been cleared within the destination system. In order to do this, you must clear the migration history for the user(s) in question.
Duplicate Items
Regardless of whether migration history is cleared or not, CloudM Migrate never creates duplicate items if a migration is re-run. Its primary purpose is to improve the performance of delta migrations.
In most cases, you should not need to clear the migration history unless there has been a problem with a migration, or if you want to force the re-migration of a user's data
CloudM Migrate Hosted / Web Build
Entire migration history
Click the burger bar in the top right, then go to "My Projects", click the large cog icon, next to the plus arrow, then click "Clear migration history"
Specific user's history
If you wish to only clear a single user's/handful of user's migration history, go to Page 3, use the left hand tick box to select your users, then click "Clear Selected Migration History".