Advanced Settings (Config Settings)

The following settings are found for all migrations under Advanced Settings, when you are configuring Step 4 - Config Settings. The default values have been set so that you should not need to change the settings, unless instructed to by a Knowledge Base article or by a CloudM representative:


  • Auto Cancel Period - Select a time period after which the migration will be automatically stopped. If you set the value to anything other than "Never" (Default), then a migration could be stopped without being completed. 
  • Validate SSL Certificates - Choose whether to validate SSL certificates or not when connecting over SSL. Enabled by default.
  • Migration Performance Interval - Set the interval used for calculating migration performance metrics (seconds). Set at 600 seconds by default.
  • Memory Usage Minimum Available Memory - Specify the minimum available system memory in MB required to prevent rate limiting. Set at 250MB by default.
  • Item Export Delay - Delay for the specified number of milliseconds after exporting a single item from any source system. Can be used to prevent resource overload on source systems if required. Set at 0 milliseconds by default.
  • Auto Restart Crashed Users - If a user migration fails due to a crash, restart the migration. Failures due to none-crash conditions will not auto restart. Disabled by default.
  • Trace Level - Debug tracing of the application is possible, where trace output is written to a file. Logs are kept for the last 10 runs of the application, with the most recent log with a number. Data is written into the trace file in a manner that enables it be imported into a spreadsheet program for analysis.
      • Entries in the log contain the following information:
        • [Date/Time] [Process Name] [Process ID] [Thread ID] [Logger Name] [Log Level] message
      • The setting of this option sets the trace level of the applications debug output to one of four levels:
        • Error - serious errors only are written to the debug log
        • Warning - errors and warnings are written to the log
        • Information – warnings, errors and information are written to the log
        • Debug – Debug, information, warnings and errors are written to the log
        • Trace - Trace, information, warnings and errors are written to the log

Do not set the trace level to ‘Debug’ or 'Trace' for production runs unless advised to do so. The amount of data produced with these levels of trace can be huge and may impact performance when performing large migrations. 'Information’ still provides information about the runs and will report any warnings and errors.

  • Migration History Interval -  Set the interval between aggregating migration history records (milliseconds) Set at 30000 milliseconds by default.
  • Memory Usage Check - Rate limit the migration using available system memory. Disabled by default.
  • Simultaneous Migrations per Configuration Limit - The number of migrations to run per configuration. Zero (default) turns the setting Off. Service level configuration Maximum User Migrations per server will always override this setting. 
  • Drive Thread Count - The number of simultaneous per-user threads when migrating documents. Set at 3 by default.
  • Allow Multiple Sources - Allow the migration of multiple source items, of the same type, to a single destination item. Disabled by default.


  • Migration Folders – Select the folders to migrate. Set as All Folders by default.
  • Included Folders - Specify a list of folder names that will be included with the migration when Migration Folders is set to Specified Only. Folder names should be specified one per line, and are case-sensitive.
      • For subfolders, use forward slashes. Eg: Folder/Subfolder, Top Folder/Sub Folder
      • If an email has multiple labels in Gmail and you exclude any one of those, then the email will not be migrated.
  • Excluded Folders - Specify a list of folder names that will be excluded from the migration. Folder names should be specified one per line, and are case-sensitive.
      • For subfolders, use forward slashes. Eg: Folder/Subfolder, Top Folder/Sub Folder
      • If an email has multiple labels in Gmail and you exclude any one of those, then the email will not be migrated.
  • Migrate Attachments - Migrate email attachments to Google Workspace. Any email message attachments will be processed. Enabled by default.
  • Excluded Attachment Extensions – Specify a list of file extensions to exclude attachments when migrating email. Leave empty to migrate all attachments.  Attachments that match this list will be dropped before performing any other possible attachment operations.
  • Modify Invalid Messages - Attempt to modify certain messages that would otherwise not be accepted by the destination system.  This includes trimming over-sized messages and removing or renaming attachments which contain executables (for Google Workspace migrations).  If you do not wish messages to be modified you should ensure this setting is set to Disabled. Enabled by default.
  • Modified Messages Label - The label or category to apply when ‘Label Modified Messages’ is turned on.

Label Macros

The following macros can be used with the label config options (Message Labels, Archive Folder Structure Name, Oversized Attachments Folder/Label, Top Level Folder) to label migrated items using fields from the migration configuration:

  • Label Modified Messages - Apply a label or category to messages that have been modified. This includes messages which have had attachments removed due to them being oversized, or that have had documents migrated to Google Documents and the original removed from the message. Disabled by default.
  • Message Labels - Apply the specified label or category to all messages. To specify multiple labels, provide a semi-colon delimiter.
  • Message Headers Only - Migrate only message headers from supported systems. Disabled by default.
  • Archive Folder Structure - Archive the entire message folder structure under the folder specified in Archive Folder Structure Name setting. Disabled by default.
  • Archive Folder Structure Name - If ‘Archive Folder Structure’ is turned on, place all messages within a folder of the specified name.
  • Migrate Deleted Items to Litigation Hold - Export deleted items from Google Vault and store them in the Purges folder within Recoverable Items (when migrating to Microsoft 365).
  • Exclude Email Header Matches - Exclude any emails from the migration when they have headers that match those specified within this option. A header name (Name e.g. Date) and regular expression to match the value (Value e.g. *2012*) should be provided. Leave empty (default) to include all email.
    • Any Header Key / Values can be used as long as they are present in the source email headers.


  • Address Book Groups – Set to Enabled to create groups based on users address books (GroupWise and Exchange / Office 365 only). Disabled by default.
  • Skip Quest Migration Manager System Contacts - Do not process contacts that may have been created with Quest Migration Manager. Disabled by default.


  • All Calendars – Both Exchange and GroupWise can contain primary and secondary calendars for users.  By default, all of these calendars will be transferred to the destination system, with the primary calendar being imported into the primary calendar and secondary calendars being created as secondary calendars within the destination system.  Unless there is a specific reason to do so, it is recommended to leave this setting as Enabled.
  • Shared Calendar Information - If users have shared calendars with other users in the domain then this information can be transferred to the destination system.  The rights of users with respect to shared calendars can be different between Exchange/GroupWise and the destination systems and as such the resultant rights that a user has may be slightly different.  Importantly however, the nature of the access is not changed, so a user that only has read access in Exchange or GroupWise will of course only have read access within the destination system.
  • Appointment Subject Tag – Optionally specify a value that will be appended onto the end of all appointment subject titles.  A space will be automatically inserted between the original appointment title and the tag.  For example, if you specify ‘[Migrated]’ as the tag and the original appointment was titled ‘Meeting with Gregg’, then the resulting title will be ‘Meeting with Gregg [Migrated]’.  Leave this option empty to keep the original appointment title.
  • Prefix Common ID – Prefix the common ID (the ICAL UID) when migrating appointments.  Turn off when performing co-existence.
  • Common ID Prefix Value – Specify the prefix to use if prefixing the common ID. Keep constant through a migration.
  • Send Calendar Sharing Notifications - Send notifications on calendar sharing change.


  • Top Level Folder - Specify the root folder that documents will be migrated under.
  • File Extensions/Mime Type Include – Specify a list of file extensions/Mime types to filter files migrated from a file platform.  By default all files are migrated.
  • File Extensions/Mime Type Exclude – Specify a list of file extensions/Mime types to exclude being migrated from a file platform.
  • File Names Include - Specify the list of wildcard patterns for file names, one per line, that will be migrated (*.* for all)
  • File Names Exclude - Specify the list of wildcard patterns for file names, one per line, that will not be migrated (*.* for all)
  • Overwrite Updated Documents – Enable delta migrations, where a re-migration will cause any documents that have been modified in the source, since the last migration, to be re-migrated. The modified documents will be deleted and re-migrated and will result in a new ID/URL for the documents. See this article for more information. This does not affect permissions (permissions are always repatched) or deletion (if a document is migrated, then deleted at the source and there is a subsequent migration run, it will remain in the destination).
  • Filter Date Type - Migrate files based on the selection and date ranges set for ‘Migrate Files From’ and ‘Migrate Files To’. This setting allows you to specify whether the date used is based on the "File Created Date" (by default) or the "File Modified Date" (the last date that the file was updated).

Email Attachments to Drive

  • Email Attachment Document Migration – choose whether to migrate email attachments to Drive. 
  • Email Attachment Document Sharing – choose the type of sharing that will be applied when migrating email attachments to Drive.  When the sharing options are chosen, documents migrated from an email will be shared with the recipients of the email.  Notification emails are not sent when migrating to Microsoft OneDrive.
  • File Extensions – when migrating documents from Email attachments, migrate only documents which match the filters supplied here.
    • All filters must be specified as *.ext
    • Use *.* to match all files
  • Add Document Links – when attachments are migrated to Drive from within an email message, add links to the migrated documents into the email body.
  • Drop Migrated Attachments – when attachments are migrated to Drive, drop the migrated attachments from the email they originated from.
  • Minimum Email Attachment Size – migrate only attachments of the specified size and over to Drive. To migrate all attachments, specify a size of 0.
  • Oversized Attachments Folder / Label - Specify the name of a folder in which to store oversized email attachments when migrating to Drive.
  • Migrate all Attachments for Oversized Messages – if an email is oversized, then migrate all attachments to Drive, regardless of size.

Address Replacement

For more information about Address Replacements, please read this article.

  • Replace Usernames – Replace any re-mapped usernames from the users tab, when migrating the items specified in 'Domain Replacement Types' in Common settings.  If this option is disabled and replacements are required, explicit mappings for email addresses and domain names should be provided via the other settings in this section. Only addresses that belong to source domains are automatically mapped.  When migrating from Google Workspace the source domains are automatically identified, but when migrating from other sources you should specify the domains in the setting: Address Replacements.
  • Non Matched Address Replacement Behavior - When 'Replace Usernames' is enabled, and when a CSV has been provided for address replacements, set the behavior when an address has not been matched (and therefore replaced) from either the CSV file or from the users specified on the users tab. Either replace the domain name based on any domain mappings provided (or to the destination domain in the case of Google to Google), or leave the original address unchanged.
  • Address Replacements (.csv) - Specify a path to a CSV file containing replacement values to modify email addresses for appointments and contacts during migration. If you do not want to perform a replacement, leave the field blank.
  • Replace CSV Addresses Only - Perform email addresses and domain replacements from the CSV file specified in 'Address Replacements (File)' and do not attempt to perform replacements using any other method. This can be useful when partially migrating users from a source domain and only those specified in the CSV file should be replaced. Note that if you use this option you should be careful to specify all replacements, including domain names and group addresses in the CSV file.  If an address or domain is not matched from the CSV and you have this option on, the address from the source will be left unchanged.

Domain Replacement

  • Email - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses (To, CC and From) within migrated Emails.
  • Appointments - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in Appointments.
  • Contacts - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in Contacts.
  • Users - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses for delegated users and other permissions.
  • Tasks - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in Tasks.
  • Sites - Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in Classic Sites.


  • Report Logo Image (.png, .jpeg, .gif, .jpg) - Specify the path to an image file which can optionally replace the default logo on reports, using one of the 4 specified formats.
  • Report Title - Specify a report title to replace the default title on reports.
  • Create Migration Report - Create a Migration Report when the migration completes. The process can take some time. Enabled by default.
  • Create User Reports - Create individual reports for each migrated user. If set to Disabled (default), user reports are created as part of the Migration report. If set to Enabled, individual documents will be created.
  • Error Reason Modifications - Specify a set of custom error messages for user reports.  When recording the reason when an item fails to migrate, this setting is checked for matching text and the message is replaced.  The following rule is followed: if the error reason contains the string (case-insensitive) specified in ‘Match’, the entire reason is replaced with ‘Replacement.
  • Record Document Mappings - Create a CSV file, per-user in the results folder which contains the source and destination document IDs of migrated Documents. For more information please see this article.
  • In Progress CSV Reports - Write CSV report files as each user migration completes rather than at the end of all migrations.


  • Proxy Type – Choose from ‘Default’ or ‘Explicit’.  If using the default proxy then the default system proxy, as specified in the Internet Explorer settings is used.  To specify a different proxy than the default, use ‘Explicit’ and complete the other proxy settings.
  • Address – Specify the address of the proxy to used when using an explicit proxy.
  • Username – Specify the username for the explicit proxy (if required).
  • Password – Specify the password for the explicit proxy (if required).
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