Migration Summary
The Migration Summary section of the dashboard allows you to quickly view where you are up to in your migration.
- Users - You can view the number of users that have been migrated (out of the total number of users to migrate) and see a graph that shows the progression over a period of time.
- Success Rate - You can see the percentage of user migrations that have been successful.
- Speed - You can see the current speed of your migration (based on your internet connection). The speed is shown in kilobytes per second and items per second.
- Running time - You can see the current amount of time that your migration has been running for. Only includes time where the migration is practically taking place and does not include paused migrations or time between completed migrations.
On the Migration Summary Dashboard, you can also select the Download report links (described below) to download a CSV file.
- Download Migration Summary Report - Includes your Migration Summary, Data Progress and Item Progress information.
- Download Project Level Report - Includes a full in-depth breakdown of your entire project, displaying the specific items migrated in each batch (configuration run) in one aggregated CSV file.
Use How to estimate migration duration article
Data Progress
In the Data Progress dashboard, you can see a quick overview of the amount of information has been migrated (and the total to be migrated) for Appointments, Documents, Mail and Tasks.
You can also view a graph that shows the amount of data migrated over a period of time.
Item Progress
In the Item Progress dashboard, you can see a quick overview of the total number of items currently migrated and a breakdown of items by type (Mail, Documents, Appointments, Contacts etc.)
You can also view a graph that shows the amount of items migrated over a period of time.
User Domain Statistics
On the Data Progress and Item Progress dashboards, you can select the User progress link to view the User Domain Statistics screen. This allows you to view the basic migration statistics for individual users on the domain and download that information as a CSV file.
- ID - The unique ID for a specific user on your domain.
- Count - The number of individual items that have been successfully migrated for the specific user.
- Size - The total data size (in bytes or MB) of all the successfully migrated items for the specified user.
- Duration - The total amount of time that CloudM Migrate has spent migrating items for the specified user.
- View Statistics Details - Selecting this icon allows you to see a more in-depth view of the item progress for the specified user. The information is broken down by Item Type (e.g. Document, Mail, Group, Contact etc.) and will show the data size and item count that has been successfully migrated for each type.
- Download CSV report - Selecting the Download CSV report icon at the end of a user row will allow you to download a detailed User Progress and Item Progress summary for the specific user.
- Selecting the Download total CSV report icon at the top of the column will allow you to download a full User Progress and Item Progress summary for all of the users on the list. You can use the search field to filter the list to only include specific users.