Google Drive to Drive migrations can be complicated and CloudM Migrate provides many options for you to be able to configure the migration for your needs. Some possible scenarios:
- All of your users are moving from one domain to another
- Some of your users are moving from one domain to another and you want to migrate only the items belonging to the migrating users
- All of your users are moving, but you need to rename users and groups
- Some of your users are migrating now, and some will migrate later
Depending on how you configure CloudM Migrate, some scenarios require the usage of some of the configuration options within CloudM Migrate, and may also require the mapping of addresses and domains. In all cases, you need to ensure that all of the appropriate users, groups, mappings and settings have been configured correctly for your migration. The Drive Readiness Test, which is included as part of the Migration Readiness Test, can help you make sure all of your configuration is correct.
One of the key things that CloudM Migrate does within a Google Drive to Drive migration is to ensure fidelity of the folder structure from the perspective of the migrating user - in some cases, this might mean creating folders that do not belong to the original user (for example, if a user is not being migrated). If you change settings or perform migrations with one setting followed by another, duplicate folders can be created.
The Drive Readiness Test inspects your domains, users, groups, the user list, address replacements and your configuration settings and highlights any potential issues with the configuration. You should run a Drive Readiness Test before performing a Google Drive to Drive migration to ensure you achieve the desired results.
Your domains, users, groups and settings will be scanned and any issues reported in the user interface. Additionally, reports are available to inspect to see the individual items that have been flagged.
By default, if you have any warnings from the Drive Readiness Test, you will not be able to start the migration. This can be overridden with a checkbox if you are sure the warnings will not affect your migration. It is recommended to check the warnings and inspect the reports to fully ensure your configuration is correct.
Tests Performed by the Drive Readiness Test
Configuration Settings
Some of the configuration settings available in CloudM Migrate should only be used in specialised scenarios. CloudM Migrate checks the usage of these settings and provides feedback on the expected result of using the settings. Some settings should not be combined and this is also flagged. The settings checked are:
- Migrate All Drive Items - this should normally be enabled. Setting this to false means that only items that the migrating user owns will be migrated, and all folders within their folder structure will become owned by the migrating user. This is almost always not recommended. If this option is used and then disabled and another migration performed, duplicates will likely be created.
- Migrate Items Only from Listed Users - Files will be migrated from the listed users only when this is selected. Folder structures within the migrated users MyDrive will be maintained by transferring ownership of any folder not owned by any of the listed users to the migrating user first to process the folder. If this option is used and then a migration is subsequently performed without it and/or more users are added to the user list, duplicate folders for some users will be created. If you are going to be migrating all of your users then this option should not normally be used. If the option is used, you should ensure that the user list, address replacements and groups are fully correct before the first migration.
- Migrate Contents of Non-Owned Folders - Normally, files owned by other users will be migrated (as the owning user) if the file appears in the MyDrive of the migrating user and the migrating user owns the folder. This option will migrate all files within the migrating user's My Drive regardless of who owns the folder. Setting this to true will decrease performance substantially. This option may be required if you are migrating a subset of users, but require copies of all items within their MyDrive regardless of ownership, but it should normally be disabled. If this option is used and then disabled and another migration performed, duplicates will likely be created. This and the previous option 'Migrate Items Only from Listed Users' cannot be used together.
- Allow Alternate Item Ownership - Setting this option to true can cause ownership of items to change if the item owner is not present, is suspended, or has Drive disabled in the destination. Normally this should be set to false unless a change in ownership is permitted and has not been performed by using address mappings.
- Overwrite Updated Documents - If this is set to false, documents that have been changed in the source since the last migration will not be re-migrated on subsequent migrations. This should normally be enabled. This does not affect permissions (permissions are always repatched) or deletion (if a file is migrated, then deleted at the source and there is a subsequent migration run, it will remain in the destination).
'Migrate Items Only from Listed Users' should be used with care, especially if you are migrating an entire domain. If you are migrating all of your users during a migration, you should not select this option for any part of your migration. If you do use the option, you should ensure that your user list is fully correct before starting the first migration.
Source and Destination Sharing
Tests will be made to ensure that items can be shared between source and destination domains. This test only checks that sharing is enabled but does not check for whitelisting of specific domains. If you have explicitly whitelisted domains for sharing then you can ignore any warnings here.
User List
The tests check that you have an entry in the user list for every user in the source domain. There may be scenarios where you are not migrating all users, but it is useful for this to be flagged. Any users that are in the user list which are not in the source domain will also be flagged. If you are not migrating all users then it may be possible to ignore this warning.
Address Replacements
If you have used an address replacement file, then it is recommended to provide replacements for all items so there is no ambiguity as to how an address will be replaced. The tests will ensure that if you have provided a replacement file, that an entry is present for every user, group and domain. See also address replacements for an overview of how address replacements are applied.
Domain Users
All of the users and groups in both source and destination domains are obtained and the full list of users is checked, including the application of address replacements to ensure that all users and groups in the source have a matching user or group in the destination. If you have not mapped all items, those that have not been mapped will be available in the CSV report generated by the tests. The test cannot ensure you have mapped users to the correct corresponding user in the destination, and can only ensure that have been mapped to a valid user.
Groups and Group Membership
As permissions can be allocated via groups within Drive, it is important to ensure all groups and group membership is correct. Groups and their membership can be migrated using CloudM Migrate and it is recommended that this is done as a separate step, prior to data migration. The Drive Readiness Test will scan all groups in the source and destination, along with their membership and ensure that everything matches up (of course taking into account any address replacements too). Any items that do not match will be written to a CSV file with details of the inconsistent or missing items.
The Drive Readiness Test provides feedback directly in the user interface and CSV files are written containing details of any items that do not match, are missing or are inconsistent. You should inspect the warnings and ensure that you have addressed anywhere required.