To update your password:
- Click on your Profile icon in the top right corner of the screen (in the header),
- On the drop down menu, select My Profile,
- Select the Actions button and choose Update Password,
- A pop-up message will appear stating that you will be required to login in again, with your current password, before you can change your password. Select Continue to continue with the process.
- Log back into CloudM Automate,
- On successfully logging back in, you will see the Update Password screen,
- Enter your new password in both the Password and Repeat Password fields. The password must meet all password policy settings for the Organizational Unit or Smart Team that you, as the user, belong to. The password strength indicator must be highlighted green to show a strong password.
- Do not place a tick in the Force a password change on next login checkbox,
- Select Update Password.
- You will be returned to CloudM Automate.