The database disk image is malformed


Source: AllĀ  Destination: All


CloudM Migrate returns the following error:

Exception processing message. The database disk image is malformed.


This can occur when there has been corruption in one or more databases, usually caused by an unexpected shutdown of the machine during a file write. Journalled writes are used which normally would avoid this, but in some cases, it could be possible.

The way to solve this is to delete the affected files and re-migrate.

Initial troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure no migration is running
  • Navigate to the data cache directory, this will be (by default): C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\Cloud Technology Solutions\CloudM Migrate\Data.
  • Windows 10 location:C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\CloudM Migrate\Data
  • Delete the files in that directory, both .db3 and .db3-journal
  • Retry migration

Further troubleshooting steps:

  • If this error persists having deleted the contents of the Data folder, you should try deleting the contents of the Data folder again and also the contents of the Static and Temp folders
  • If the error still persists, the final troubleshooting step is to delete the contents of Data, Static, Temp and History.
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