Recurring Appointments and Exceptions

CloudM Migrate supports the migration of recurring appointments from and to the different platforms. Depending on the platform being migrated from and to recurring appointment exceptions can be handled in different ways due to differences between the platforms and the support for recurrence exceptions in each. CloudM Migrate always makes the best effort to ensure that appointments are present in users calendars, even when the functionality between source and destination platforms cannot always be completely reproduced.

Date Ranges and Recurring Appointments

In order for recurring appointments to be migrated, the master appointment must fall between the migration date ranges. We therefore recommend migrating a very wide date range to capture all appointments.

Source Platforms


Due to limitations in the GroupWise APIs, all appointments are migrated as single appointments.

Lotus Notes

Recurring appointments are migrated from Lotus Notes. Due to differences between the recurrence rules that are possible to create in Notes and the destination platforms, some patterns may be broken up into single occurrence appointments, or several recurring appointments. Depending on the destination platform these appointments are handled differently. Only changes to dates and times of recurrence exceptions are currently supported.

Other Source Platforms

Recurring appointments and exceptions are supported where appointments are supported.

Only changes to dates and times of recurrence exceptions are currently supported.

Destination Platforms

Google Workspace

Recurring appointments and exceptions are migrated to Google Workspace.  When a recurring appointment must be split into several appointments (as in some cases from Notes), these are usually still linked but the recurrence rule will not be editable within Google Calendar.

Exchange and Microsoft 365

Recurring appointments and exceptions are migrated. When a recurring appointment must be split into several appointments they are not linked in the Exchange calendar and a change in one will not reflect in others. Additionally, with some source platforms it is possible to create recurrence exception rules that are impossible to recreate in Exchange.  In these cases the appointments that do not fix Exchange rules are migrated as single appointments, to ensure the appointment is present in the migrated calendar.

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