This quick start guide provides you with the basic information to configure CloudM Migrate for a migration from Exchange Online Archive. It is highly recommended that you read the application documentation in full for your platforms in order to understand all of the options available to you during a migration.
Migrate Top Level Folder
Migrate files and folders into a top-level folder named the same as the top level file system folder
File System Document Sharing
Choose whether the document should be shared as per the source file ACLs if they can be resolved to email addresses (see documentation).
Excluded Account Permissions
Specify the list of NT account permissions, one per line in the format 'domain\accountname', that will be ignored when migrating ACLs
Set Migrating User as Owner
Change the file owner to the migrating user. This setting also ensures that the file owner from the file system is added as a writer at the destination
Resolve Email Addresses
Select whether to resolve email addresses from Active Directory for file system permissions.