Bulk Offboarding users within CloudM Automate

Within CloudM Automate, you have the ability to offboard accounts. 

Firstly, you will need to search for the users that you wish to offboard. For example, you could search for a specific tag on the user profile or for a specific account status (i.e. Hidden).

Once the search results appear, set the results to be displayed as a Compact List and click on the checkbox next to the name of all users in the list that you want to bulk offboard. If you want to offboard all users in the list, you can select the checkbox at the top of the list to select all.


Then, in the top right corner of the screen, select the Actions button, and select Delete Items from the drop down options:


From here, then you can either delete the users or run their deprovisioning process, based on which Organization Unit they are in.



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