BOX Platform Configuration

Source Platform prerequisites

Ensure you are logged into Box as an Admin in the same browser you are running Migrate.

Ensure that the file content you are migrating from Box is owned by the users you wish to migrate.

Depending on whether you are using Migrate Hosted or Migrate Self-Hosted, the configuration will differ. The below article walks through each option.

Migrate Hosted ( - OAuth 2.0 Authentication

  • In the Admin Email field enter the email address of your Box Admin account.
  • In the Test Username field enter the email address of a user account you would like to test the authentication against.
  • Use JWT Authentication can remain disabled.
  • The Authorisation Code can be left blank. This will be populated automatically.
  • Click on the Grant Access to Box button.

  • This will redirect you to to authorise the app.
  • Click on Grant access to Box.

  • You will now be redirected back to CloudM Migrate and you should see the authorisation code populated as below.

  • Click on Next to run the connection test.
  • If all tests pass as below, you can proceed to the next step.

Migrate Self-Hosted - OAuth 2.0 Authentication

When using Migrate Self-Hosted, you will need to manually create the Box App in the Box developer console and connect this to Migrate.

Box Configuration

  • Enter an App Name for this app. This can be of your choosing.
  • Set the Purpose to "Other" then specify as you like (e.g. Migration).

  • Click Next.
  • Select User Authentication (OAuth 2.0) and click Create App.

If you have published Migrate on a different domain than the one above, you will need to modify the Redirect URI (e.g.
  • Enable the below application scopes.
    • Read all files and folders stored in Box.
    • Manage Users.
    • Manage Groups.
    • Manage Enterprise Properties.
  • In the Advanced Features section, ensure Make API calls using the as-user header is enabled.
  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the OAuth 2.0 credentials section.
  • Save Changes to the Box app.

Enabling Enterprise Features

After creating the Box app, you will be required to email Box support to enable the following features:

  • Box Notifications
  1. Go to the Box support area of the website and create a new ticket.
  2. You will be prompted to login if not already logged in and you should sign in using a BOX Admin account. 
  3. A dialog window may appear. Click continue.
  4. In the support form that you now see, enter the following details: 
    • What can we help you with? - 'Developer/API Issue'
    • Briefly summarize your issue / question? - Suppress Notifications scope.
    • API Key - In this field, enter the client_id you made a note of when creating a application.
    • Give us more details - Please enable the Suppress Notifications scope for our app.
    • Priority - Normal

Migrate Configuration

  • In the Admin Email field enter the email address of your Box Admin account.
  • In the Test Username field enter the email address of a user account you would like to test the authentication against.
  • Enter the Client ID and Client Secret that you have copied from the Box app.
  • Use JWT Authentication can remain disabled.
  • Enter the same Redirect URI used above when creating the Box app.
  • Click on Grant Access to Box.

  • This will redirect you to to authorise the app.
  • Click on Grant access to Box.
  • You will now be redirected back to CloudM Migrate and you should see the authorisation code populated as below.

  • Click on Next to run the connection test.
  • If all tests pass as below, you can proceed to the next step.

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