"Push" user profile changes directly from Google Workspace to CloudM Automate

The Google Workspace Push Notifications feature now allows you to configure CloudM Automate to monitor the Google Workspace domain for any changes to user profiles, and immediately sync the changes so that the user profile on CloudM Automate is immediately and automatically updated.

Previously, you would have needed to wait up to 48 hours for a Global Sync to take place before the profile would be updated to reflect any changes on the Google Workspace domain.


To enable / disable the push notification feature:

  1. From any screen within CloudM Automate, select Settings > Domain Settings.
  2. Scroll down the screen until you see an information box informing you that Google Workspace push notifications are currently either enabled or disabled. It is part of the Domain Actions section.
    • The feature is set to Disabled by default.
  3. If the information box states that the feature is currently disabled (and you wish to enable it), select the green Enable button. If the information box states  that the feature is currently enabled (and you want to disable it), select the green button which will read Disable

Screenshot 2023-09-26 115735.png

  1. If successful, the message in the information box will change to show you the current status (enabled or disabled).
  2. The change will now be saved and you can now continue with other tasks within CloudM Automate or log out. 
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