In the Notification Settings section of Settings > Domain Settings, you add and remove multiple users on a mailing list that will send email notifications about the system.
The email address associated to the Admin Account (set in the section directly above Notification Settings) is automatically added to the list and cannot be removed.
To add a user to the mailing list:
- In the Notifications Settings section, click on the Email field.
- Start typing in the email for the required user. The results will be filtered in real time and displayed in a drop down table.
- The email address must be associated to a CloudM Automate account.
- Select the required Email Address and click the + (plus) icon next to the Email field.
- The email address will appear under the field.
To remove an email address:
- Click on the x icon at the end of the email address,
- The email address will be removed from the list under the Email field.