Migrating from Hosted Exchange

The following instructions are designed to assist you in migrating content from Hosted Exchange.

Please make sure that the following prerequisites are complete before continuing onto the CloudM Migrate setup.

Currently supported Hosted Exchange Providers:

  • 1&1
  • AppRiver
  • Apptrix
  • Claranet
  • CobWeb
  • Giacom
  • GoDaddy
  • Intermedia
  • MailStreet
  • MailStream
  • mindShift
  • Ozhosting
  • Rackspace
  • RTW Hosting
  • Sherweb
  • SilverSky/SoftLayer
  • Time Warner Cable
  • VAR Dynamics
  • WebCentral
  • WebHosting.net


Source Platform Prerequisites

Check Provider

When migrating from Hosted Exchange CloudM Migrate has preset configurations for the most popular providers, you can simply select your provider and the server and authentication details will be pre-populated. If your provider is not supported you can enter the details manually, but you will need to obtain the Autodiscover or Direct EWS URL, and authentication method supported.


Destination Platform Prerequisites - Microsoft 365

These steps should be completed in your Destination environment.

Setting up Application Impersonation

Application Impersonation can be configured for your admin account within CloudM Migrate. Select 'Setup Administrative Permissions' in the Destination Platform Settings page.
Application Impersonation can also be configured manually as below. If Impersonation is not available in your environment, please follow the steps for Delegated Access.

Alternative Application Impersonation Setup

First login to the Office 365 Exchange Admin Portal. Go to 'permissions' on the left hand side bar and click the + symbol in order to add a new role group. Enter 'CloudMigratorImpersonation' in both the Name and Description fields.


Next, click the + symbol under 'Roles', select ApplicationImpersonation, click 'add' and the click 'OK'.


Next, click the + symbol under 'Members', select your administrator user, click 'add' and then click 'OK'.


Click 'Save' and you will see the impersonation role listen in admin roles. Application impersonation is now set up.


Setting up Delegated Access

Delegated access gives a user account permission to access another. Delegated access must be set up if you are not using an Enterprise plan of Office 365

First login to the Office 365 Exchange Admin Portal. Go to 'recipients' then under 'mailboxes', double-click the user you wish to delegate access to then go to 'Mailbox Delegation' and click the '+' symbol under 'Full Access'


Next, select your administrator user, click 'add' and then click 'OK'


Click 'Save' and your administrator user now has the required access for the migration to occur, repeat this process for all users you wish to migrate.


Office 365 Groups Azure App Registration

The following steps are required to migrate from/to Office 365 Groups.

  • Login to the Microsoft Azure portal for your chosen domain.
  • Click 'Azure Active Directory'and then'App registrations'
  • Click 'New registration'
    • Enter a name for your application (This can be changed at any time).
    • Supported Account Types should be left as the default 'Accounts in this organizational directory only (NAME OF COMPANY)'
    • Redirect URI is not required.
    • Click 'Register'
  • On successfully registering your application you will be redirected to the below screen.
  • NOTE : Open Notepad and Copy 'Application (client) ID'. This is the 'Client Id' required in the CloudM Migrate configuration.
  • Click 'Certificates & secrets'
  • 'New client secret'
  • Select 'Never'
  • Click 'Add'
  • Client Secret will be generated and the client secrets table populated like below.
  • NOTE : Copy the value generated and paste the value into notepad. This is the 'Client Secret' required in the CloudM Migrate configuration.
  • Click 'API Permissions'
  • Remove the default 'User.Read' by selecting the row and clicking 'Remove permission'
  • Click 'Add a permission', under 'Microsoft APIs' select 'Microsoft Graph'
  • Click 'Application Permission'
  • Under 'Select Permissions' type the name of the permission you would like to add. Once all added, click 'Grant admin consent for '(Name of company)'
If you have not already done so, please insure that all permissions have been granted by clicking the 'Grant admin consent for (Company name)' button. 
Office 365 Groups as a Source
  • Directory.Read.All
  • Directory.ReadWrite.All
  • Group.Read.All
  • Sites.ReadWrite.All
Office 365 Groups as a Destination
  • AuditLog.Read.All
  • Directory.Read.All
  • Group.Read.All
  • Group.ReadWrite.All
  • Sites.ReadWrite.All


Destination Platform Prerequisites - Google Workspace

These steps should be completed in your Destination environment.
You will be required to set up a Service Account. Please refer to the Setting up the Service Account and enable the APIs within Google Workspace for CloudM Migrate article.

CloudM Migrate Hosted makes migration as simple as possible. The only other prerequisite is the installation of the CloudM Migrate Hosted application. When accessing CloudM Migrate Hosted for the first time, you will be prompted to install the app, simply authorise and you are all set.


Select your configuration

If you have not already done so, create a new configuration item by clicking the plus button and then "create a new configuration to get started".

Select the Hosted Exchange configuration item.

You should also supply a license key here before you continue. If you do not supply a key you will be able to setup and configure CloudM Migrate but will not be able to perform a migration.

To enter this key, hover over the orange gear in the actions column and navigate to "View license" (one icon to the left) and you will be prompted to apply a license. Alternatively, you can click the name of the unlicensed configuration.

When entering a license, you must first specify the platforms that you will be migrating to and from (see steps 3 and 4). You do not need to set up the platforms yet, just let us know which you will be using so that we can check your license validity.

Source Platform - Hosted Exchange

Choose Hosted Exchange as the migration source and enter your Hosted Exchange settings into CloudM Migrate and then click next.


If your Hosted Exchange provider is listed, select it from the list of providers and the server details will be populated. If your provider is not listed, select 'My Provider is Not Listed' and enter the below details.

  • Autodiscovery Service URL – In order to connect to the correct server, autodiscovery is used to obtain the server information. Input the URL to the autodiscovery service for your domain. The value for your Microsoft Exchange server is like https://yourserver/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml.
  • Admin Username – Enter the full email address of your Microsoft Exchange admin user.
  • Admin Password – Enter the password of the admin user.
  • Domain Name – Enter the domain name you will be migrating from. This should be the Internet domain name, not the local domain name.
  • Test User Name – Enter an email address of an active user within your Microsoft Exchange system. This account is used to test connections as in most cases the admin account will not be mailbox enabled.

CloudM Migrate will now perform a small connection test to verify that the details you have entered are correct. If this fails you may have entered something incorrectly. If you are failing to resolve the issue please contact CloudM Support via the chat icon.


Destination Platform - Google Workspace

Select Google Workspace as your destination platform.

Select where you would like your data to be migrated. If you have purchased Google Workspace for Business or Google Vault you may want to migrate data directly into Google Vault.

To enable Google Vault for your domain, please see the following article: http://support.google.com/vault/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2584132



Enter information for your Google Workspace admin account.

  • Domain Name - The domain name you will be migrating from. This should be the Internet domain name, not the local domain name.
  • Admin Username - An administrator account for the domain specified, this will usually be an email address for a Super Admin.
  • Service Account Email Address - Before attempting to configure CloudM Migrate, you should have created a Google Cloud platform project and created a service account for it. Input the service account's email address in this field.
  • Private Key - The file path to the P12 key that was generated and downloaded when creating the OAuth service account.

If you cannot find the private key, go back to Google Cloud Platform service accounts, select your project (if not already selected), use the option button on the right of the service account and click Create Key. Select P12 and download the key file.



Once you have configured the settings, select Next. CloudM Migrate will perform a connection test against your domain to verify that everything has been entered correctly.

If your Google Workspace system is brand new or for any reason the users being migrated have not been created in Google Workspace, CloudM Migrate can create your users for you. Simply go to advanced settings, to the user settings section and enable Create Users.


Destination Platform - Office 365

Select Office 365 as your destination platform.

Enter information for your O365 admin account.

  • Admin Username - The email address of an administrator within your Office 365 environment.
  • Admin Password - The password for the administrator account specified earlier.
  • Domain Name - The domain name of your Office 365 environment, this might be the part after the @ in your administrator email address. If migrating from several different domains, several migrations will be needed.
  • Test Username - A non-admin user who is already present in the system.

CloudM Migrate will perform a connection test against your O365 domain to verify that everything has been entered correctly.

If you are on a Small Business or Kiosk plan and need to use delegated access to migrate from Office 365 then you need to make an advanced settings change. Click Advanced Settings and under the Account Details section select Credential Method and change it to Delegated Access.


Office 365 Configuration and Provisioning

CloudM Migrate includes a number of platform configuration and provisioning options for Office 365 migration that enable advanced automation scenarios. These options can be executed during the migration process and will run as part of the migration of users' data. See here for detailed information.

There are special considerations when you need to preserve the user's domain in the target tenancy. This is because you cannot have the same domain in two Office 365 tenancies at the same time. The recommended approach to achieve this is detailed below:

  • All users to be migrated in the source tenancy will have a primary SMTP email address ending in their current domain e.g. 'user@company.com'. Check that each of these also has at least one alias. This will be needed later to avoid having to delete users in order to stop mail going to their original mailboxes
  • Provision users mailboxes in the target tenancy with their primary SMTP email addresses based on the '.onmicrosoft.com' domain.
  • Configure CloudM Migrate with the target domain based on the new tenancy's '.onmicrosoft.com' domain. This will be used for both the bulk migration pass and the delta pass.
  • On completion of the delta pass, all the users should have their current primary SMTP address switched to their alias. This will in-effect stop mail from being received and be the start of the mail 'down-time'.
  • Remove the 'company.com' domain from all users in the source tenancy. It is essential that no objects remain assigned to this domain otherwise you will not be able to remove the domain from the tenancy.
  • Remove the 'company.com' domain from the source tenancy.
  • Add the 'company.com' domain to the target tenancy
  • Assign the 'company.com' domain to all the users in the target tenancy and make this the primary SMTP email address
  • This ends the 'mail down-time' as mail will now successfully flow to the users again in the new tenancy.


Select which users to migrate

It's now time to add which users you'd like to migrate.


Unfortunately when migrating content from Hosted Exchange you will not be able to use the Get Users button from the actions menu. You can manually import users via a CSV file using the Import Users option or simply add them individually via the plus icon.

Selecting a star next to any specific user or users will prioritize their migration. When a migration starts, threads will be assigned to any starred user so that their migration can start immediately. 

At this point you can choose what to migrate for each user, when migrating from Hosted Exchange you can migrate.



Enter your user's full email address within the Export Name field. If you have already created your Google Workspace users then you will just need to enter their username.

If your provider does not support delegated access or application impersonation, you must enter your user's passwords in the Password field.

To migrate files to a Google Workspace Team Drive, either select the item you wish to migrate and select 'Migrate as Team Drive' from the actions menu or specify the import type as 'TeamDrive' when adding an item. You can then specify the name or ID of the Team Drive in the 'Given Name' field. If the Team Drive specified doesn't exist then it will be created. You can use a unique ID in the 'Import Name' field to identify the Team Drive across multiple migrations. You can specify a specific folder to migrate from in the 'Documents Path' field, this will migrate only the specified folder and all subfolders. Finally, you must make sure your migrating account has organizer permissions for any Team Drives that are being migrated.

To improve performance to Team Drives, configure multiple organizers to perform the migration with the configuration setting: Destination Platform Migration Settings > Google Workspace > Team Drive Options > Team Drive Default Organizers

Select how much content to migrate

CloudM Migrate lets you decide how much content you'd like to migrate to your shiny new system.


If you are changing your email address as part of the migration you can verify that the domain names are correct here. You can also specify specific address replacements in the respective section of the advanced settings.

For more information on domain and address replacements, see this page.

Start your migration

Before you start your migration, you must supply a license key. If you have not supplied this key in step 2, you can do it now by clicking the bold link in the red bar at the top of the page. If you do not see the red bar then you are already licensed and don't need to worry!

We know that you may want to start your migration in the middle of the night, or over the weekend, but we don't expect you to stay up in order to do so. With CloudM Migrate you can decide to schedule exactly when you'd like the migration to occur.


Start the migration.


Review your migration results

During the migration process CloudM Migrate will report back in real time exactly who is being migrated and the items being processed. All you now need to do is sit back, relax and wait for your migration to complete.

Check the progress of your migration.


Once complete you can download a full report for your migration.

For more information about this page, please visit the summary page.


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