Providing Other Troubleshooting Logs

Sometimes, your migration may be affected by local issues such as SystemOutOfMemory errors or exhausted resources, Redis, SQL logs etc. At this point, we might request other log files. Here are the most common:

Windows Event Logs

  • Open Windows Event Viewer
  • Select Windows Logs
  • We typically need an export of the logs for Application and/or System
  • You can export the logs by right clicking either and selecting 'Save All Events As...'
  • Then provide the resulting EVTX as an attachment in your support ticket.

SQL Logs

  • Start Windows Explorer Elevated
  • Find the SQL logs in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.POWEREDBY\MSSQL
  • Zip the 'Logs' folder and send to us as an attachment in your support ticket.

Redis Logs

  • Find the Redis logs in C:\Program Files\Redis
  • Zip the 'Logs' folder and send to us as an attachment in your support ticket.


See Getting a HTTPS trace

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