Logging and Trace files

If you are using CloudM Migrate Hosted, the trace file for your migration is not available to you. Please open a support ticket and provide the destination domain in Step 2 for us to investigate.

Item Trace Files

Each individual migration item will have their own trace file.

Item Trace files will also use the below format to make it easier to identify individual files:

  • [Configuration Name]_[Import Item Name]_[Migration Start Time]

To find an Item trace file:

  • If you are in the middle of a migration, or the migration has just finished, and you are on the In Progress screen, find the relevant item, hover over the Status icon to view more options, and select the Download icon.


  • If you have finished a migration process (successfully or unsuccessfully) and the item trace file is on a Secondary Server, you can select the Remote Connections option, find the required Secondary Server using the Machine Name, click on the Download Logs icon and select the Migration Trace option. A compressed Zip folder will be downloaded and you can view item trace files for the last migration run processed on the Secondary Server.


  • If you want to find the item trace files for a previous migration run (i.e. not the last migration run on a machine), go to C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions on the server(s) where any affected item(s) were migrated. You will find a folder with a GUID (C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\0dda821c-2eed-44d0-899e-03f32351f22d, for example). This is the project ID. Within this folder, you will see similar folders, (C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\0dda821c-2eed-44d0-899e-03f32351f22d\21bbdbe1-28f9-4ce8, for example). This is the Config ID.
    • You will see a Trace file for each item that was included in the migration run. In the example below, you can see that there was only one item:
      • Oracle---Google_telustest_stork_00001@test.thecloudmigrator.com_2021-10-14T06_35_14.Trace.txt

The project ID is not visible to you. However, if you need the config ID, you can find this in the URL when browsing the Archives for that configuration.
  • Only the latest migration run trace will be downloaded for a specific item if their trace is downloaded from an Archive stats page.


When running CloudM Migrate in multi-server mode, different log files are written. The configurable storage location does not apply to multi-server migrations, and logs are always written to the following locations.

  • Migration logs are written to the server on which a migration occurred. To determine which secondary performed a migration for an item, refer to the progress tab or the CSV report files generated at the end of a migration.

Service Logs and Trace

  • Service logs - C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\CloudMigrator.Service.logs.txt
    • Service logs provide information about the management of migrations and communication between system components
    • Service logs are kept on a rolling basis, the latest has no number.
  • Service Trace - C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\CloudMigrator.Service.Trace.txt
    • Service trace provides some additional information about the management of migrations and communication between system components. These logs are useful in combination with the service logs when migrations are failing to start or are crashing.
    • Service traces are kept on a rolling basis, the latest has no number

Generating a trace level trace file for reporting issues to Support

  • In order to generate a trace file (with full visibility on how the tool is handling data), you will need to be migrating into an empty account on the destination (and this may involve deleting any already migrated items on the destination account or migrating into an empty test account on the destination.)
  • Go to Step 4 - General Migration Settings Advanced Settings System and set the Trace Level to "Trace".
  • If you have previously migrated data with the tool, you will need to clear the migration history by highlighting an affected user, on page 3, and clicking "Actions" then "Clear Selected Migration History". Or clear the migration history for the entire migration from the "Projects" page, then the large cog icon.
  • Replicate the issue

Once the above has been complete, you will need to locate the user file by following the steps above.

Other Log Files

The system will produce some other log files which the support team may request when troubleshooting. These are listed below.

  • C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\PoweredBy.Web.Trace.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\NServiceBus.Web.Client.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\NServiceBus.Service.Trace.txt
  • C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\MigrationService.Manager.Trace.txt
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