By default the migration tool will process a user’s live mail NSF file. It is also possible to configure the tool to migrate other NSF files. These NSF files can be located on the workstation running the migration tool, a network drive, or on a Notes server.
Migrating NSF Archives without a Domino Server
It is possible to migrate NSF files without a connection to Domino Server. To do this ensure the 'Archive/Account Processing' setting is set to 'Archive Only' and carry out the steps as below. When this setting is enabled, you do not need to provide a server address.
Encrypted NSF Files
Encrypted NSF files cannot be migrated. Please ensure all NSF files are decrypted before attempting to migrate them with CloudM Migrate.
Service Access to Mapped Drives
If you are using the web version of CloudM Migrate, or secondary servers then you should make sure that the CloudM Migrate service has access to mapped drives if the files are located there. Please see the article on making mapped drives available for more information.
In order to migrate other NSF files successfully, the following things should be done:
- Files should be decrypted.
- Set the account/archive processing option. Inside the configuration interface the option ‘Account/Archive Processing’ within ‘Source Platform Migration Settings->Lotus Notes' must be set. When migrating live accounts only, this should be set to ‘Account Only’, if migrating both live accounts and archives together in the same migration pass then set this to ‘Account and Archive’ and if migrating archives only, set this to ‘Archive Only’. The usual (and recommended) practice is to migrate accounts and archives separately using ‘Account Only’ and then ‘Archive Only’ at a later time.
- Ensure that the files are available from the workstation running the tool. In order for the migration tool to be able to migrate archives that are not based on a Notes server, the files must be available via the file system. If the files are on a Notes server then they need not be available via the file system.
- Specify the paths to the files for each user. On the users tab, in the ‘Archive Path’ for each user, the paths to the NSF files should be specified. These should be specified as follows:
For NSF files within the file system specify the full file path to the files, such as:
For NSF files that are located on a Notes server, the file should be specified as:
should be the server containing the NSF file, then two exclamation marks (following the Notes path style), and path.nsf should be the path on the server to the file. If the file is contained within a folder on the server, the path to the file should be specified. All paths should be specified without a leading forward slash.
Multiple archive files should be separated with semi colons.
If you have many users, it may be easier to specify this path information via a CSV file. Use the import/export user list functionality to do this.
Can Lotus Notes Mail-in Databases be migrated?
Yes, Mail-in databases can be migrated by specifying the path to the database file and following the same process.