Mapping Resource Calendars

An Address Replacements (CSV) should be used in all configurations which include resource calendars to map them correctly. This is because there are distinct differences in how the different platforms provide and configure their resources.

Source Platforms

Resource calendars from nearly all platforms come with email addresses, but if they do not (Lotus Notes, for example), the name can be used as the source replacement value.

Destination Platforms: Google Workspace & Exchange/Microsoft 365

The resources need to exist on the destination before CloudM Migrate can migrate to them. In both destinations, the email address of the resource should be the destination replacement value.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create all the resources in the destination, and note the resources email addresses;
  2. In your configuration, navigate to the Config Settings stage and select Advanced Settings,
  3. Scroll down to the Address Replacement section,
  4. Click on the Edit icon for the Address Replacements field


  1. Select the Upload button and upload a CSV file that specifies all the source resource email addresses or names as the ‘Match’ and the destination resources email addresses as the ‘Replacement’. Please refer to the following article for more detail: Domain and Address Replacements
  2. The value pairs will appear on screen.


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