While the default options are recommended for the majority of organisations, CloudM Migrate gives users the ability to customise their migration experience. The following are some of the Advanced Options available to customers migrating from Google Workspace. Changing some of these options will change the way data is migrated.
- Use Limited Scopes – For email migrations, use Limited Scopes. This requires the following scopes to be enabled : 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.labels' and 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly'
- Gmail API Filter Override - When using the Gmail API to export email, use the provided filter to override other tool settings. Leave empty to auto generate the filter. Note: this will override the following settings: Date Ranges, Folders and Excluded Folders.
- Enable Gmail Discovery throttle - Enable request per second / minute limits for Gmail Discovery Service.
- Gmail Discovery request per second limit - Gmail Discovery maximum requests per second before throttling. Set to 10 by default.
- Gmail Discovery request per 100 seconds limit - Gmail Discovery maximum requests per 100 seconds before throttling. Set to 1000 by default.
- Migrate Meet Links - Migrate Hangout links within appointments.
- Migrate All Drive Items - When migrating from Google Drive, migrate all required files when processing the migrating user. This can result in files not belonging to the migrating user being migrated but is highly recommended to maintain integrity of the destination Drive.
- Exclude External Permissions - Only Migrate permissions from users/groups that are members of the migrating domain.
- Check External Drive Sharing - Check if external domain sharing is enabled when migrating Google Drive to Drive. This can be disabled if Drive sharing is disabled and you have whitelisted the destination domain in the source domain.
- Migrate Items Only From Listed Users - Migrate only Drive items from those users listed on the users tab. 'Migrate All Drive Items' should also be true for this setting to apply. If you want to migrate folders from users other than those being migrated, be sure to include them on the users tab but do not select them for migration.
- Migrate Contents of Non-Owned Folders - Migrate owned files only from folders not owned by the migrating user. This usually only needs enabling when some users are not migrated to the destination.
- Migrate Orphaned Folders - Migrate orphaned Google Drive folders that have no parents. This can cause a migration to take longer due to an increase in the required number of requests. Note that orphaned files are always migrated.
- Preserve Modified Date - Attempt to preserve the last modified date of any migrated files.
- Maximum Results Per Request (Drive API) - The limit on the number of results returned when listing files using the Google Drive API.
- Ignore Shared Drive file and folder ACLs - Whether to ignore ACLs for individual files and folders contained within Shared Drives.
- Export Document Path Folder - Setting 'Export Documents Path Folder' to True will export the folder specified in 'Documents Path' on the users page.
- Migrate File Comments - Allow the migration of Google Document comments. Please review the following article before enabling this feature.
- Maximum Results Per Request (Comments API) - The maximum number of results to return for individual queries to the Comments API
- Migrate Chat History - Migrate Google Chat messages to the destination system. In the destination, migrated chat messages appear as email messages.
- Migrated Chat Label - The label to apply to migrated chat messages.
Chat migrations will only be supported if the Google App setting for Google Chat and Classic Hangouts is set to "Chat preferred (recommended for migration)".
The setting can be accessed via the Google Admin console: Apps > Google Workspace > Google Chat and Classic Hangouts > Service status
Any Chat items created when ‘Chat only’ is enabled cannot be migrated, even if the Chat and Classic Hangouts option is subsequently switched on. This is caused by Hangouts returning via Gmail search operators (in:chats) which we use to filter chat messages, but chats are not returned using the same method.
The setting can be accessed via the Google Admin console: Apps > Google Workspace > Google Chat and Classic Hangouts > Service status
Any Chat items created when ‘Chat only’ is enabled cannot be migrated, even if the Chat and Classic Hangouts option is subsequently switched on. This is caused by Hangouts returning via Gmail search operators (in:chats) which we use to filter chat messages, but chats are not returned using the same method.
- Allow Missing Special Folders - Allow a migration to proceed if any of the ‘special’ folders (All Mail/Trash/Starred/etc.) are not visible via IMAP due to user settings. Note if this is set to true, then it is possible that some email for users may be missed. This option is not relevant when using the Gmail API for migration specified in "Google Email Migration API Version" option.
- Strip Google Test Domain - Removes the Google test domain (test-google-a.com) suffix from source email addresses, e.g. when applying address replacements to file ACLs
- Migrate Account Delegates - Migrate delegated access settings for accounts.
- Migrate Signature - Migrate signature settings for for accounts.
- Migrate Forwarding Settings - Migrate forwarding settings for accounts.
- Migrate Nicknames - Migrate nickname settings for accounts.
- Migrate POP Settings - Migrate settings for POP for accounts.
- Migrate IMAP Settings - Migrate settings for IMAP for accounts
- Migrate Out Of Office - Migrate out of office settings for accounts.