HCL Notes Form Types

Supported Form Types

  • memo
  • reply
  • return receipt
  • appointment
  • group
  • person*
  • reservation

How do you find out what the form type of an item is?

Check the following in a user's Lotus Notes calendar:

  1. Locate the event in the calendar
  2. Click on the event once (so it Is highlighted)
  3. Click File and go to Properties
  4. Click on the second tab called Fields
  5. In there is a section called FormĀ 

Can I migrate other form types?

If you need to migrate a form type outside of the above listed types, you can add them in Source Platform > Advanced Settings > 'Form Type' per this article. It is not guaranteed, however, that they will migrate as you might expect.

*The form type "person" relates to contacts. CloudM Migrate only supports contacts with the form type "person".
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