Source Platform - GroupWise
Create a Trusted Application
For CloudM Migrate to impersonate users and read their inbox without their password a Novell GroupWise Trusted Application must be created. Trusted Applications are used by third-party programs in order to securely log into Post Office Agents (POAs) in order to access GroupWise mailboxes.
"For GroupWise 2014, follow this guide to create Trusted Application:
For other GroupWise versions, use this guide:
https://support.microfocus. com/kb/doc.php?id=7020416 "
Novell Login
To successfully create a trusted application, you need to be logged into the workstation via the Novell client with full Administrative rights over the Post Office, Domain and Cluster.
If necessary, verify that the trusted application has been created within the GroupWise system then in ConsoleOne, navigate to ‘Tools->GroupWise System Operations->Trusted Applications’, where a list of trusted applications will be displayed.
To delete a trusted application all fields must be completed, including the value of the old trusted application key, and then click ‘Delete’. Trusted applications can also be deleted using the Novell Administration tools.
Configure CloudM Migrate
- Select your Novell GroupWise version in the platform selector:
- Select Novell GroupWise 6.5.6
- Select Novell GroupWise 7.0.3
- Select Novell GroupWise 8 or Higher
- Enter the settings into the GroupWise server settings
- Enter your license key and click Apply.
- Setup your destination platform. Instructions are available for Google Workspace, Google Vault, Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 and Exchange Online Archives.
- Select Next to test the configuration connection using the configuration test tool. See this article for more information about the connection test tool. You will also need to complete the settings for the destination platform before running this test. If any problems are encountered with the connection test, please examine the error and make the adjustments to your configuration settings.
- Generate your user list and select the users and items you would like to migrate in the ‘Users/Resources’ tab.
- Start your migration
Config Settings
Server Details
- Groupwise Version - The version of the GroupWise server.
Server Address – The hostname or IP address of the GroupWise server.
- Note: if you have multiple users with same UserID, you must migrate them directly from the server they are located on and not rely on a domain server to route the login. Failure to do this could result in data being migrated from the wrong account.
- Admin Username - The name of a mail enabled admin user within the GroupWise system, used to test connections and to obtain user lists.
- Admin Password - The password for the admin user.
Trusted Application
- Trusted Application Name – The trusted application name, as provided to the trusted application creator.
- Trusted Application Key – The trusted application key, as provided by the trusted application creator.
- Account/Archive Processing – Select whether to migrate user’s accounts, archives or both.
Groupwise 2012 or Less
- Domain Name - The Domain Name of the GroupWise domain object in the following format: dom1.groupwise.server. Either this or the 'Domain Path' below can be used to connect to the GroupWise domain.
- Domain Path - The path to the GroupWise domain. The path can be either a mapped drive or a UNC path. Either this or the 'Domain DN' above can be used to connect to the GroupWise domain.
CloudM Migrate can also migrate GroupWise Archives. See the section in How-tos and Common Features for more information.