Migrating Groupwise Archives

GroupWise accounts can be comprised of both live accounts and archives. GroupWise archives are stored in folders and files either on the same workstation running the GroupWise client, or in a central location, usually accessible by all GroupWise clients. Using the migration tool it is possible to migrate GroupWise archives.

In order to migrate archives successfully, several things need to be done:

  • Set the account/archive processing option. Inside the configuration interface the option ‘Account/Archive Processing’ within ‘Source Platform Migration Settings->GroupWise’ must be set. When migrating live accounts only, this should be set to ‘Account Only’, if migrating both live accounts and archives together in the same migration pass then set this to ‘Account and Archive’ and if migrating archives only, set this to ‘Archive Only’. The usual (and recommended) practice is to migrate accounts and archives separately using ‘Account Only’ and then ‘Archive Only’ at a later time.
  • Ensure that archives are available from the workstation running the tool. In order for the migration tool to be able to migrate archives the files and folders that comprise archives must be available for the migration tool to access. Often, what needs to be done is to copy all of the archives to a central location which can be accessed through the file system by the tool.

Read/Write Access to Archives

It is also important to note that the migration tool needs read and write access to this destination. The reason for this is that by reading the archive the ‘read’ status of messages may need to be adjusted by the tool to maintain the archive in the same state as it was found.

Service Access to Mapped Drives

If you are using the web version of CloudM Migrate, or secondary servers then you should make sure that the CloudM Migrate service has access to mapped drives. Please see the article on making mapped drives available for more information.

You need to ensure that you specify the correct path to the archives. GroupWise archives are stored within a folder that has a unique name, which is related to the user that owns the archive.  For example, an archive might be located at the following path:


If this archive is copied to a central location it is essential that the last part of the directory path is not changed. For example, if copying to a central location of ‘M:\GroupWise_Archives\’ then the folder ‘ofjj3arc’ (and all of its contents) should be copied to the location giving a final folder path of:


In order to specify the path to the GroupWise archives this should be entered on the ‘Users/Resources’ tab under the setting ‘Archive Path’ for each user. When specifying the path in this configuration entry, the last part of the folder path (the unique name) should not be specified. In the example provided above therefore the ‘Archive Path’ setting should be specified only as:


It could be the case that the same path is specified for all users if the archives have been copied to a central location. No further configuration is required as the tool will resolve the correct archive to migrate for each user. Items that are migrated from the archive will obey the same configuration settings as for normal account migrations, with the exception of contacts as archives cannot contain contacts.

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