Throttling is beyond the control of CloudM Migrate and can occur due to limitations on the source or destination platforms. While CloudM Migrate uses exponential backoff to minimize throttling, there may still be instances where migrations are affected.
If throttling occurs, CloudM Migrate will display this information on the progress page. You’ll see throttling details both at the overall migration level and at a more granular level, identifying which specific entities are being throttled.
The image below shows an example of a user being throttled. By hovering over the warning icon, a tooltip will appear, indicating whether throttling is occurring at the source (export) or at the destination (import).
Additionally, a throttling warning is displayed at the migration level, as shown in the image below. Hovering over the warning icon will reveal a tooltip that specifies the number of import and export processes currently being throttled.
You can use this information to review throttling policies on your source or destination platforms. In some cases, you may need to pause the migration temporarily until the throttling limits are relaxed. However, in other instances, the migration may continue, albeit at a slower rate.