Migrating Box Users to Microsoft 365 Users

This article provides instructions on configuring a migration batch for migrating users from Box to Microsoft 365. The setup process outlined here focuses on migrating documents.

Before proceeding, ensure you have completed the steps in the Box to Microsoft 365 Migration Guide to set up your migration project and added your users batch.

Adding Items to Migrate

When preparing to migrate users to corresponding accounts at the destination, follow the format below:

  • Export Type: User
  • Export Name: Source primary email address
  • Import Type: User
  • Import Name: Destination primary email address
  • Given Name: User's first name at the destination (leave blank if the user already exists at the destination)
  • Family Name: User's surname at the destination (leave blank if the user already exists at the destination)
  • Documents Path: ID of the source folder you wish to migrate from (Optional; this can be left blank if you plan to migrate from the root of the users Box account).
  • Documents Destination Path: Name of the folder you wish to migrate to at the destination (Optional; this can be left blank if you plan to migrate to the root of the destination users OneDrive).

For each user entry, select the specific items you wish to migrate. Make sure the 'Migrate' option is enabled for all users included in the migration.

General Settings

In the General Settings section, ensure all domain mappings are configured correctly to facilitate replacing the source domain with the destination domain during the migration.

You can also apply date range filters for various data types to migrate information within a specific timeframe. Specify the date ranges you wish to include.

Source Settings

For a standard user-to-user migration, it is recommended to keep the source settings at their default values. However depending on your migration scenario, you may wish to adjust some settings. Detailed information about each source setting can be found in the below article.

Box - Source Settings

Destination Settings

For this type of migration, it's generally recommended to retain the default destination settings. However, there may be instances where you need to adjust certain settings. For a detailed explanation of each destination setting, please refer to the article below.

Microsoft 365 - Destination Settings

Advanced Settings

For a straightforward user-to-user migration, most advanced settings can remain at their default values. However, consider the following:

  • Address Replacement: It is highly recommended to upload an address replacement CSV that maps source users to their corresponding destination users. This ensures permissions are correctly migrated. For more information, please refer to the Address Replacements article.

Migration Process

The migration process will vary depending on your project's specific approach. Generally, it is advisable to start with a bulk migration and perform delta migrations closer to the final migration cutover date.

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