How to navigate the Backup Dashboard

When you login to CloudM Backup, the first screen you will see is the Dashboard screen. You can always get to this screen by selecting Dashboard. Please note, that if you are also an Automate user, you will have to select the Backup toggle at the top.


From the Dashboard you can see easy and at a glance data - allowing you to track the health of your backups and restorations, as well as using it as a jumping off point to action your backups. The 



The First Glance

From the first few panels you should be able to see:

  • Total Data Size: This includes the total size of your mail, drive & shared drive backup
  • Total Users
  • Successful Restorations completed in the last 30 days - clicking this will take you to the Restoration Status page
  • Failed Restorations over the last 30 days - clicking this will take you to the Restoration Status page, where you can investigate and action failed restorations
  • User Data Including:
    • Users with a policy
    • Users without a policy
    • Users removed from a policy - clicking this will take you to the Purge Backups page

You can also export the dashboard in PDF form, for reporting and data-keeping purposes, by clicking the 'Export' button in the top right.


Drive & Mail Backup Data


Scrolling down, you will be able to see and interact with a breakdown of your last mail and drive backups. Here you can get the status of your backups, including being able to easily see what's succeeded, paused, has errors or failed. Clicking any component of the bar chart  will take you to the 'Backup Status' page, where you'll be able to action any elements of the backup further.


Shared Drive Backup Data


Mirroring the 'Users' and the Drive & Mail Backup components above it, the Shared Drive section provides quick and relevant information on your shared drives, as well as the health of initial and delta backups, with clickable segments of the bar chart, similarly taking you to the 'Backup Status' page, for further action. Otherwise, here you can find information on:

  • Total number of Shared Drives
  • Shared Drives with a policy - clicking this will bring up a list of your Shared Drives with a policy
  • Shared Drives without a policy - clicking this will bring up a list of your Shared Drives without a policy
  • Shared Drives removed from policy - clicking this will take you to the Purge Backups page
  • Initial Shared Drive Backup Status
  • Delta Shared Drive Backup Status
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