There are several areas within the Portal where you can view license and free trial orders. To view the details of a specific order, select it from the following two sections:
- Orders/Order history
- Trials/Free trial history
The details provided for each are as follows.
Order History
You can view the following details when selecting to view an order from the order history page.
Note: Click on the table row to view the order history details.
The following sections and details are provided:
Order details
- Domain
- Product
- License type
- Destination domain
- Payment method
- Ordered by
- Order completed [date]
Customer details
- Company
- Name [Contact]
- Phone number
- Email address
- Country
Billing contact details
- Company
- Name [Contact]
- Phone number
- Email address
- Address (street, city, country, zip/postal code)
Source and destination
- Source platform
- Destination platform
Migrate hosted link
A link is provided for Migrate Hosted license orders.
- Link to launch
Note: Migrate license information is not available for instances of CloudM Migrate self hosted due to it being a download rather than an online application.