Domains menu

Menu location: Domains/Manage domains


Within the Domains/Manage domains menu you can view and access the domains visible to your account. The search at the top left of the domains page will dynamically filter the view below.


Additional filters are available. Click the Filters button to reveal the additional options:

  • Expiry: select a date range the domain was registered.
  • Module: filter by CloudM modules.
  • Platform: filter by the desired platform (Google, Microsoft, Amazon).


Note: The table displays the domains and can be sorted by Domain name (first column from the left) and Company name (second column from the left).



Note: the table rows displayed can be switched using the bottom left drop-down menu between 20, 40 and 60 rows.

Note: the table pages can be cycled using the bottom right navigation icons.


Clicking on each item within a row for the following columns will provide an option to renew or contact sales. A dialogue is shown for purchased licenses displaying the quantity of licenses and expiry date.

Note: Click again to remove the pop-up dialogue.



To view the domain click on the domain name or active area of the row.

Note: To view the domain click on the domain name or anywhere in the row between Domain and Company name. This will display the full domain view. This will display the full domain view.

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