This article details all of the settings available in the Advanced settings tab in your migration batch. Some settings relate directly to certain platform combinations and will only be displayed in those cases.
Trace level: Sets the trace level of the migration trace file to one of five levels:
- Error: Serious errors only are written to the trace file.
- Warning: Errors and warnings are written to the trace file.
- Information: Warnings, errors, and information are written to the trace file.
- Debug: Debug, information, warnings, and errors are written to the trace file.
- Trace: Trace, information, warnings, and errors are written to the trace file.
- Trace Google web requests: If the above trace level is set to "Trace," enabling this option outputs the response of Google web requests to the migration trace file. This can increase the size of the trace file considerably and should only be used when directed by CloudM support.
- Trace Microsoft Graph web requests: If the trace level is set to "Trace," enabling this option outputs the response of Microsoft Graph web requests to the migration trace file. This can increase the size of the trace file considerably and should only be used when directed by CloudM support.
- Centralised logging: Upload migration trace files to specified cloud storage.
- Auto cancel period: Select a time period after which the migration will be automatically stopped. If you set the value to anything other than "Never" (default), the migration could be stopped without being completed.
- Validate SSL certificates: Choose whether SSL certificates should be validated or not.
- Migration history interval: Set the interval between aggregating migration history records (milliseconds).
- Migration performance interval: Set the interval used for calculating migration performance metrics (seconds).
- Memory usage check: Rate limit the migration using available system memory.
- Memory usage minimum available memory: Set the minimum available memory required for migration.
- Simultaneous migrations per configuration limit: The number of migrations to run per configuration. Zero turns the setting off. The service level configuration for "maximum user migrations" per server will always override this setting.
- Item export delay: Delay for the specified number of milliseconds after exporting a single item from any source system. This can prevent resource overload on source systems if required.
- Drive thread count: The number of simultaneous per-user threads when migrating documents. This should not normally be changed.
- Distributed lock type: The type of distributed lock to use. It is recommended to leave this setting at the default.
- Auto restart crashed users: If a user migration fails due to a crash, restart the migration. Failures due to non-crash conditions will not be auto-restarted.
- Allow multiple sources: Allow the migration of multiple source items of the same type to a single destination item.
- Cache users and groups: When enabled, users and groups will be cached per server and not refetched for each migration (applicable to Microsoft 365 source/destination only). Warning: If your user or group lists have changed between migration runs, you should either disable this option or remove the cache files to prevent using outdated user and group information. Cache removal must be done on every server by manually deleting the files located in C:\ProgramData\Cloud Technology Solutions\Domains{DOMAIN_NAME}\Static.
- Process data types in parallel: Enable this option to process drive data in a separate worker process, alongside mail, contacts, calendars, and other data types.
- Monitor CPU usage: Enable this option to monitor CPU usage on all servers throughout the migration process.
- Collect CPU usage metrics interval (seconds): The interval (in seconds) that CPU usage metrics are collected.
- Migration folders: Select the folders to migrate.
- Included folders: Specify a list of folder names that will be included with the migration when migration folders is set to 'Specified only'.
- Excluded folders: Specify a list of folder names that will be excluded from the migration.
- Migrate attachments: Migrate email attachments to Gmail. Note that any email message attachments will always be processed.
- Exclude attachment extensions: Specify the list of file extensions of attachments that will not be migrated. Leave empty to migrate all attachments.
- Modify invalid messages: Attempt to modify messages if they are over-sized or have bad attachments before importing to the destination system.
- Modified messages label: The label/category to use when labeling modified messages if the 'Label modified messages' option has been set.
- Label modified messages: Apply a label or category to messages that have been modified as part of the migration process, such as having an oversized attachment removed.
- Message labels: Apply the specified label or category to all messages. To specify multiple labels, provide a semi-colon delimited list.
- Migrate headers only: Migrate only message headers from supported systems.
- Archive folder structure: Archive the entire message folder structure under the folder specified by 'Archive folder structure name'.
- Archive folder structure name: The name of the base folder when using 'Archive folder structure'.
- Exclude email header matches: Exclude any emails from the migration when they have headers that match those specified within this option. A header name and regular expression to match the value should be provided. Leave empty (default) to include all email.
- Private chat top level folder name: If migrating Teams private chats, places all conversations within a folder of the specified name.
- Address book groups: Create contact groups based on address book names when migrating from GroupWise, Exchange/Microsoft 365, or Oracle Communications.
- All calendars: Migrate all calendars, not just the primary calendar. Additional calendars are created as secondary calendars within the destination system.
- Shared calendar information: Migrate all sharing settings for calendars.
- Appointment subject tag: Tag all migrated appointment subjects with this text, or leave blank for no extra tag.
- Prefix common ID: Prefix the common appointment ID (ICAL UID) to prevent ID clashes between systems. Turn off when performing calendar co-existence.
- Common ID prefix value: The prefix ID to apply to appointment common IDs.
- Send calendar sharing notifications: Send notifications on calendar sharing changes.
- Top level folder: Optionally place all folders and files in the specified top-level folder. Leave empty to not create an extra top-level folder.
- File extensions/MIME type include: Specify the list of file extensions or MIME types, one per line in the format *.ext for file extensions or image/jpeg for MIME types, that will be migrated. To include all, use *.*
- File extensions/MIME type exclude: Specify the list of file extensions or MIME types, one per line in the format *.ext for file extensions or image/jpeg for MIME types, that will not be migrated. To exclude all, use *.*
- File names include: Specify the list of wildcard patterns for file names, one per line, that will be migrated. To include all, use *.*
- File names exclude: Specify the list of wildcard patterns for file names, one per line, that will not be migrated. To exclude all, use *.*
- Overwrite updated documents: Enable delta migrations, where a remigration will cause any items that have been modified in the source since the last migration to be remigrated and updated in the destination.
- Filter date type: When 'Migrate files from' - 'Migrate files to' ranges are set, filter files based on this selection.
Email Attachments to Drive
- Email attachment document migration: Choose to migrate email attachments to Drive.
- Email attachment document sharing: When migrating email attachments or file system files, choose whether the document should be shared with recipients of the original email.
- File extensions: Specify the list of file extensions, one per line in the format '.ext', that will be migrated from email attachments (*.* for all).
- Add document links: If documents are uploaded to Drive for an email message, modify that message to include links to the documents.
- Drop migrated attachments: If documents are uploaded to Drive for an email message, remove the attachments from the original message.
- Minimum email attachment size: When migrating email attachments to Drive, only migrate those greater than the specified size (in bytes). Specify 0 to migrate all attachments to Drive.
- Oversized attachments folder/label: Specify the name of a folder in which to store oversized email attachments when migrating to Drive.
- Migrate all attachments for oversized messages: When a message is greater than the permitted size, move all attachments to Drive.
Address Replacement
- Replace usernames: Replace any remapped usernames from the users page when migrating the items specified in the 'Domain replacement types' tab. If this option is disabled and replacements are required, explicit mappings for email addresses and domain names should be provided.
- Non-matched address replacement behaviour: When 'Replace usernames' is enabled, and a CSV has been provided for address replacement, set the behavior when an address has not been matched. Either replace the domain name of the address or leave the original address.
- Address replacements (.csv): Specify a path to a CSV file containing replacement values to modify email addresses for appointments and contacts during migration. To perform no replacements, do not specify a file.
- Replace CSV addresses only: Perform email address and domain replacements from the CSV file specified in 'Address replacements' and do not attempt to perform replacements using any other method.
Domain Replacement
- Email: Apply domain replacements to all email addresses (To, CC, and From) within migrated emails.
- Appointments: Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in appointments.
- Contacts: Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in contacts.
- Users: Apply domain replacements to all email addresses for delegated users and other permissions.
- Tasks: Apply domain replacements to all email addresses in tasks.
- Report logo image: Specify the path to an image file that can optionally replace the default one in reports.
- Report title: Specify a report title that can be used instead of the default.
- Create migration report: Create report(s) when the migration completes. This process can take some time.
- Error reason modifications: Specify replacement values for error messages in user reports.
- Record document mappings: If true, record document mappings for migrated Drive items.
- Include document mappings in report: If true, write a CSV file containing recorded document mappings for migrated Drive items.
- In progress CSV reports: Write CSV report files as each user migration completes, rather than at the end of all migrations.
- Proxy type: Specify the proxy type to use: 'Default' for the default system proxy, or 'Explicit' to specify a proxy. Changing this option may require a restart of CloudM Migrate.
- Address: The address of the proxy that will be used to perform migrations that require HTTP. For example,
- Username: The username for the specified non-default proxy (optional).
- Password: The password for the specified non-default proxy (optional).