Google Workspace - Destination Settings

The below article outlines the settings available for Google Workspace as a destination.


  • Archive Inbox Email: Do not place migrated email from the inbox into the inbox within G Suite. Instead, the email will have a label of 'Migrated Email' applied.
  • Apply Inbox Label to Sub-Folders: When a message from the source system was in a folder in the inbox, create the message with both 'Inbox' and 'Folder Name' labels. Set to False to just create the folder label.
  • Modify Sent Address: For sent messages, if the sender does not match the email address of the destination account, modify it to match. This allows sent items to display correctly in the G Suite interface. Default is true.
  • Email Transfer Delay: Specify the number of milliseconds to wait between sending messages.
  • Email Import Thread Count: Set the number of threads that will be used per user to migrate email to Google Workspace.
  • Maximum Batch Count: Specify the maximum number of messages in a single batch. Specify 0 to let the tool automatically allocate batches. Only applicable for immediate migrations.
  • Use Limited Scopes: For email migrations, use Limited Scopes. This requires the following scopes to be enabled: '' and ''.
  • Explode Message Labels: By default, if an email message is contained within a folder structure, the label applied to that message will be the same as the folder structure (e.g. 'Personal Folders/My Folder/My Other Folder'). Setting this option to true will create a label for each of the folders (e.g., for the case described, labels of 'Personal Folders', 'My Folder', and 'My Other Folder' will be applied).
  • Create Sub Labels: Create all sub-labels for labels within a message. For example, if a message has the label 'toplevel/midlevel', create both 'toplevel' and 'toplevel/midlevel' labels. This is specifically designed for use with nested labels.


  • Migrate to 'My Contacts': Migrate personal contacts to the 'My Contacts' group rather than only to 'All Contacts'.


  • Force Appointment Acceptance: Set this to true to force all appointment recipients' attendance as confirmed.
  • Force Busy Status: Force busy status when appointments have been tentatively accepted.
  • Appointment Privacy: Set the visibility of all appointments. 'Original' will use the privacy setting from the source system, while other settings will override the original and apply the specified visibility.
  • Maximum Attendees: Set the maximum number of attendees for any migrated appointments.
  • Default Calendar Timezone: Set the default calendar timezone to use for recurring appointments that have no timezone set in the source system and where the target Google calendar is in UTC.
  • Send Individual Events: Send appointment events as individual items rather than as a batch. Performance is slower than in batches but may help with rare rate-limiting issues.
  • Color Categorized Appointments: If the appointment had a category in the source system, apply a color to all appointments of that category.
  • Appointment Attachment Document Sharing: When migrating appointment attachments to Drive, choose whether the attachment should be shared with the appointment attendees.
  • Migrate Attachments: Migrate appointment attachments to Google Drive.
  • Migrate Attachments Folder: Migrate appointment attachments to the specified folder when 'Migrate Attachments' is enabled.
  • Exclude Appointment Attachment Extensions: Specify the list of file extensions for attachments that will not be migrated. Leave empty to migrate all attachments.


  • Use Cached Item Mappings: Use cached item mappings when migrating to Drive (not applicable for Google-to-Google migrations).
  • Preserve Modified Date: Attempt to preserve the modified date during migration.
  • Allow Non-Google Sharing: Allow permissions to be added for users without Google accounts by sending notification emails to those users. Note: this can result in many emails being sent to non-Google addresses.
  • Allow Alternate Item Ownership: Setting this option to true can cause ownership of items to change if the item owner is not present, suspended, or has Drive disabled in the destination. Normally, this should be set to false unless a change in ownership is permitted and has not been performed by using address mappings.
  • Maximum Results Per Request: Limit on the number of results returned when listing files using the Google Drive API.
  • Batch Permissions: Use batching to provide faster, but potentially more error-prone, Google Drive migrations.
  • Trash Duplicate Items: When enabled, one of the duplicate folders or items will be deleted and can be found in the Trash folder of the user in the destination. When disabled, neither duplicate will be deleted in the destination.
  • Skip Post Processing of Existing Items: When running delta migrations on previously migrated items, skip post-processing of existing items. This affects patching of permissions, parent folder change, starred and last updated date. Items that have been explicitly updated will still be processed. Setting this option is potentially risky and should only be enabled on the instruction from a member of the CloudM Support Team.
  • Replace Comment Mentions with Display Name: Replace an email address mention in a comment with the associated user's display name.
  • Ignore Failed Folder Moves: When set to true, if a migration encounters an API error (e.g., 403 or 404) when attempting to change a folder's parent, the migration will ignore the error and continue.

Document Conversion

  • Convert Text: Where possible, convert text and word documents to the Google Documents format.
  • Convert Spreadsheets: Where possible, convert spreadsheets to the Google Documents format.
  • Convert Presentations: Where possible, convert presentations to the Google Documents format.
  • Convert Drawings: Where possible, convert drawings (*.wmf) to the Google Documents format.
  • Convert OCR: Where possible, convert images using OCR.

Shared Drive

  • Shared Drive File Permissions: When adding permissions to files within Team Drives, choose where these permissions will be applied. Options include 'File' (default), 'Root' (permissions applied at the Team Drive root and inherited down the tree), or 'None' (no permissions applied).
  • Shared Drive Folder Permissions: Team Drive folders cannot directly have permissions. Choose whether to apply permissions from the source to the root of the Team Drive or not apply them at all.
  • Shared Drive Same Domain Migration Operation: When migrating from a Google Drive folder into a Team Drive, choose whether to copy or move the files. Note: in the case of a move, the skeleton folder structure of the source folder will remain.
  • Migrate Shared Drive Members: If enabled, CloudM Migrate will retrieve shared drive members and their permissions from the source, apply domain replacements, and assign them as members to the destination shared drives. If the members list overlaps with the 'Shared Drive Default Managers' list, members will be prioritized and won't be removed, even if 'Remove Shared Drive Default Managers' is enabled. Members with an organizer role on the source will be assigned the Manager role on the destination.
  • Shared Drive Default Managers: Optionally specify a list of user email addresses to assign as Managers to the destination Shared Drives. This improves migration performance by using multiple organizer accounts simultaneously, rather than only the Google Workspace admin account.
  • Remove Shared Drive Default Managers: Enable this option to remove any users specified in Default Managers at the end of the migration. These users will be removed unless they are the destination migration admin account or have been added as managers prior to the migration.
  • Migrate External Shared Drive Members: Migrate external shared drive members when migrating from one shared drive to another. Sharing with external users will also be migrated.
  • Repatch Existing Permissions: During delta migration, re-patch existing shared drive file or folder permissions at the destination.


  • Check Users/Resources/Groups Exist: Set this to false if you do not want to check if users, groups, or resources exist in G Suite. Useful for testing exporting without creating accounts in G Suite.
  • Create Users/Resources/Groups: If users, groups, or resources (supported source systems only) are not present within the Google domain, create them. If users have not been pre-created in Google, this can be set to true for the migration tool to create them. Setting this to true requires the Admin SDK to be enabled and all necessary user details (name, given name, family name, and password) to be provided. If not, the creation process will fail. Pre-creating users in Google is generally recommended. For resources and groups, only the Resource/Group Name (and Import/Export Names) are required.
  • Check Services Enabled: When running the 'Check Users' action, also check if the selected Google services for that user are enabled.
  • Change Password On Login: Force users to change their password on the next login.

Transfer and Performance

  • Timeout: The time in milliseconds that the tool has to complete sending a transaction to Google before an error occurs. If a transaction fails within the set timeout, it will be re-attempted with a longer timeout until the retry count is reached. It is recommended to set this to a high value to ensure large requests succeed.
  • Maximum Batch Count: The number of items that will be sent in a batch when transferring contacts and calendar items.
  • Retry Count: The number of times a transaction with Google servers will be retried if it fails. Failures can occur due to transport layer issues (e.g., transaction timeouts) or rate-limiting (too many requests per second). An exponential backoff system is used to wait between retries.
  • Lock Retry Count: The number of times a failed distributed lock will be attempted before aborting.
  • Drive Locks From Listed Users: Use only users from the provided user list to obtain locks for Drive files when migrating in multi-server configurations. Migrations must always use the same user list to avoid duplicating items.


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