The below article outlines the settings available for Microsoft 365 as a destination.
- SharePoint Migration API: Recommended for all migrations to SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. Enabled by default.
- SharePoint Storage: The API requires the use of an Azure container for temporary storage. Choose either Microsoft-provided containers or provide your own storage.
- Storage Account Name: Mandatory field for the Azure storage account name.
- Storage Account Key: Mandatory field for the Azure storage account access key.
- Retry Backoff (seconds): The time (in seconds) between exponential backoff retry attempts.
- Retry Count: The number of times the operation will be retried before failing.
- SharePoint Admin URL: The URL for the SharePoint admin center (e.g.,
- Timeout: The timeout for operations with the SharePoint server.
- Truncate Folders and Files: By default, CloudM Migrate truncates folder and filenames to fit SharePoint's restrictions. If disabled, long folder or file paths will fail to migrate.
- Preserve File Created and Modified Dates: Preserve the date and time metadata for migrated files.
- Orphaned Items Folder: Optionally, place failed truncated folders in a specified folder. Leave empty to fail the migration.
- Provision Sites: Automatically provision any Sites that do not already exist during a migration.
- Provision Sites Timeout Check: The number of milliseconds to wait for site provisioning before failure.
- Hybrid Environment: Allows entry of custom 'SharePoint Admin URL' and 'SharePoint My Sites URL' for hybrid migrations.
- My Sites URL: The URL for OneDrive users. Available when 'Hybrid Environment' is set to true.
- Team Site URL: The URL for sites and teams (e.g.,
- Patch Permissions: Add, update, or delete permissions for existing items to reflect changes made to the source.
- Include Document Metadata: Migrate standard document metadata as well as custom text, boolean, number, and datetime metadata.
- Migrate Previous Document Versions: Maintain document version history by migrating previous major versions.
- Maximum Number of Previous Document Versions: Select the number of previous versions to migrate, starting from the most recent.
- Maximum Message Size: The maximum email message size (in bytes) that will be migrated. Larger messages will be ignored.
- Strip Received Headers: Removes received headers and replaces them with a single header matching the email's Date header.
- Use Chunked HTTP Web Requests: Optimize large file migrations by not reading the entire payload into memory. Enforced for Office 365.
- Recoverable Items Destination: Choose whether to place items from the Recoverable Items folder into the Recoverable Items or Mailbox.
- Trim Over-Sized Message Headers: Enable this option to migrate emails where header values exceed 32,768 bytes by truncating them.
- Exchange 2010/Microsoft 365 Calendar Timezone: The default timezone for appointments when migrating from Exchange 2010 if the timezone is not identified.
- Appointment Body Type: Defines the formatting of appointment body content. If left undefined, it will be assigned based on available HTML or text content. 'Best' formats based on the richest content.
Microsoft Teams / Groups
- Timeout: The timeout for operations with the server.
- Retry Count: The number of times an operation will be retried before failing.
- Maximum Results Per Request: The maximum number of results returned for individual queries.
- Create Microsoft 365 Group: Create a Microsoft 365 Group if it does not already exist.
- Provision Office 365 Group Timeout Check: The maximum time to check if a Microsoft 365 Group has been created.
- Default Document Library Name: For migrations from platforms other than Office 365 or SharePoint On-Premise, documents will be migrated to this library.
- Chat Message Library Name: When migrating Microsoft Teams chat history as documents, the history will be migrated to this library.
- Rehydrate Teams Private Chats: Update Teams private chats with the latest 10 exported messages.
Public Folders
- Nest Public Folders: Nest Public Folders under a specified top-level folder.
- Nested Public Folder Name: The name of the top-level folder under which Public Folders will be nested if 'Nest Public Folders' is enabled.
Transfer and Performance
- Retry Count: The number of times an operation will be attempted before failing.
- Max Wait Time: The maximum time between exponential backoff retry attempts.
- Timeout: The maximum time (in milliseconds) that communication will be attempted.
- Use X-AnchorMailbox Header: When using application impersonation, use the X-AnchorMailbox header to improve performance.
- Create Users: Runs a PowerShell script to create users that do not exist in the destination domain.