Zimbra - Source Settings

This article outlines the settings available for Zimbra as a source platform.


  • Migrate Incoming shared folders: Migrate folders that have been shared with the user being migrated.
  • Categories: Migrate tags to categories or labels from Zimbra 8+.
  • Use metadata date: Use the metadata date supplied by the Zimbra server for the email date. Use when date headers are not standard RFC822 headers.


  • Migrate all group members: Migrate all members of contact groups, even if the contacts are inline contacts or from the GAL.
  • Migrate incoming shared folders: Migrate folders that have been shared with the user being migrated.


  • Migrate incoming shared folders: Migrate folders that have been shared with the user being migrated.


  • Migrate incoming shared folders: Migrate folders that have been shared with the user being migrated.


  • Unavailable wait: If the server responds with 503 unavailable when making a REST request, wait for this many milliseconds before retrying.
  • Direct mailbox connection: Use a direct connection the mailbox server for each user rather than connecting through the main proxy address.
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