Mail Archive - Source Connection Setup


  • The server running CloudM Migrate and any secondary servers must have access to the file paths where the Archive's Files are stored.
  • The service account running the CloudM Migrate service must have access to the file paths where the Archive's Files are stored.

Connection Details

  • Connection Name: Provide a unique name for this new source connection. This connection will be available in the Connections screen and can be reused across projects. The name can be used to identify the connection.
  • Archive label method: Specify how labels or folders will be used when migrating archives.
    • Specified Label – Use the label or folder specified by the Archive Label setting.
    • Email Labels – When migrating from mbox files exported by Gmail, use the headers in the emails to determine the destination label/folder.
    • Filename – Use the filename of the file being migrated as the label or folder name.
    • Filename and Label – Use the filename of the file and the specified label/folder.
    • Folder Name – Use the name of the folder containing the message being migrated as the label or folder name.
    • Folder Name and Label – Use the name of the folder and the specified label/folder.
  • Archive label: Specify the label or folder that migrated messages will be placed into when using ‘Specified Label’ as the 'Archive label method'.
  • Mail archive format type: Specify the type of the archive being migrated.
    • mboxrd – One of the most common mbox formats, used by Google Takeout, Google Vault and others.
    • mboxo – An older variant used by postfix and others.
    • mboxcl – A Unix format.
    • mboxcl2 – Another Unix format.
    • EML Files – EML files (RFC822 messages as text) in a folder
  • Special folder names: If using Email labels, folders or files to determine the destination folder or label, then use these names to determine if the folder is a special folder.
  • Auto Generate Missing Message ids: If messages are found in the mail archive without a ‘Message-ID’ header, automatically generate an ID. This will prevent such messages failing to migrate from mail archive files.
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