Migrate Services

To access the Migrate Services screen, navigate to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Migrate Services".

This screen will provide you with a list of all the servers (primary and secondary) currently active in your Migrate environment.

The following will be displayed on this screen.

  • State - You can determine the status of the server's communication with the primary server by observing the presence of a green checkmark icon, indicating active communication, or a red cross icon, indicating an error or warning preventing communication.
  • Machine Name - This column presents the hostname of each server.
  • Version - You have the ability to view the current version of CloudM Migrate that is installed on the server.
    • If the version number is displayed in green, it indicates that the server is running the most recent version of CloudM Migrate that you have installed on your primary server.
    • If the version number is displayed in red, it indicates that the server is running an earlier version and requires an update.
  • Uptime - The total uptime for the server is visible.
  • Last Migration - The timestamp of the most recent migration process on the server can be viewed.
  • Running Tasks - The current number of tasks running on each server is visible.
  • Download Logs - By selecting the "Download Logs" icon, you will be able to download Migration Trace logs, Migration Service logs, or All logs for the server.
    • To download the trace logs, please ensure that you have selected the project and batch at the top of the page. Subsequently, the trace logs associated with the specified batch will be downloaded from the designated server.
  • Remote Desktop Connection - By clicking on the Remote Desktop Connection icon, you will be able to establish a remote connection to a secondary server. This functionality is commonly utilized for the purpose of providing support, allowing for the resolution of server errors (such as the installation of a more recent version of CloudM Migrate).
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