Items to Migrate

The Items to Migrate section of the batch setup is a crucial component of the migration process. It is in this section that you will be required to provide a comprehensive list of all the items that you intend to migrate. Additionally, you will have the option to select the specific items that will be processed during the migration and determine which item types will be processed for each item, such as mail, contacts, calendars, and so on.

Enabling Item Migration

To ensure that a specific item in the list is processed during the migration, it is necessary to verify that the Migrate option is enabled for the corresponding user in the list.

Selecting Item Types for Migration

Within the item list, you have the option to choose the types of items that will be transferred for each user, including mail, contacts, and calendars, among others. To make your selection, simply click on the icons displayed below. If the icons are orange, it signifies that the corresponding items will be migrated. Conversely, if the icons are grey, it indicates that the items will not be migrated.

Migrate As

The "Migrate As" button provides the functionality to modify the import type of the selected items. The available options will differ depending on the destination platform and the export type.

Sort By

The "Sort By" button lets you organise the list according to the selected field, arranging the items in your preferred order.

Bulk Actions

The bulk actions drop down contains the below actions that can be performed in bulk for the items selected in the list.

Copy to new batch: This opens a modal window where you can create a new batch and copy the selected items into it.

Remove: This removes the selected items from the items to migrate list.

Clear History: This clears the migration history for the selected items.

Search Items

This search field allows you to search for specific items in the items to migrate list.


This feature allows you to export the items to migrate list to a CSV file. You can then make changes and re-upload the file using the bulk CSV option.


This allows you to filter the items displayed on the list based on whether or not they are priority items or if they are selected to Migrate.

Add Items to Migrate

This displays the available options for adding items to your list. The below article has more detail on each of the options.

Adding Items to a migration batch


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