The below guide will walk through the steps required for migrating your Microsoft Teams to Spaces in Google Chat.
There are some additional prerequisites for migrating Microsoft Teams to Spaces in Google Chats. These are detailed below.
- The Google Chat API must be enabled in the destination GCP project where the service account exists.
- The Chat app must be configured and include a list of users that will be included in the migration.
- The Chat API scopes must be enabled for the service account.
Enabling the Google Chat API
- Login to GCP.
- Open the project where the service account entered in Step 2 exists.
- In the navigation menu on the left hand side, Go to APIs and services > Enabled APIs and services.
- Search for "Google Chat API".
- Click on Google Chat API.
- Click on Enable. If this is already enabled, you will see "API Enabled" on this page.
Configure the Google Chat API Chat App
- On the Google Chat API page, click the MANAGE option.
- Select the Configuration tab and configure the app as below.
- App Status: LIVE - available to users
- App name: This will be the name of the app posting the messages that the users see in the destination spaces.
- Description: A description of your choice for the chat app.
- Avatar URL: This is the Avatar image of the app posting the messages that the users see in the destination spaces.
- Enable Interactive Features: On
- Receive one-to-one messages: On
- Support app home: Off
- Join spaces and group conversations: On
- Connection Settings: HTTP endpoint URL
- App URL: Enter your destination domain (e.g.
- Authentication audience: Project number
- Make this chat app available to specific people and groups: On
- Enter the email address of the destination admin account specified in Step 2 of your configuration.
Enable the Chat API Scopes for the Service Account
- Login to the Google Workspace Admin Console.
- Go to Security > Access and data Control > API Controls.
- In the Domain-wide delegation section click on MANAGE DOMAIN-WIDE DELEGATION.
- Find the entry for the service account being used during the migration. Hover over this and click on Edit.
- Add the below scopes.
- Click on Authorise.
You can find more information on setting up the service account and adding the required scopes in the below article.
Setting up the Service Account and enable the APIs within Google Workspace for CloudM Migrate
How does this work?
There are two aspects to a Teams to Spaces migrations, the conversations and the files (attachments).
In order to facilitate the migration of attachments, CloudM Migrate will transfer the files from the source Microsoft Team to a designated Shared Drive at the destination. The Shared Drive will be named according to the Import Name specified in your configuration. Subsequently, the items within the shared drive will be linked to the respective posts within the Space.
Team Channel to Spaces Mappings
Each Channel within the Team will be transferred to its own Google Space and will be prefixed with the name of the Team. For instance, if there is a Microsoft Team called "Marketing" and a channel called "General", a Space will be created in the destination named "Marketing_General". This Space will include the posts from the General channel of the Marketing Team.
What is migrated?
- Public channel messages.
- Public channel attachments.
- Private channel messages.
- Message created date/time.
- The below reactions. These will be posted as the space owner.
- Channel Members (mapped to the corresponding Google Space).
- Inline images.
Not Migrated
- Private channel attachments.
Migrating Teams to Spaces
Adding your Team to the migration list
The below article explains the various ways you can add items to the list in Step 3 of your configuration.
The Team will need to be added in the below format.
- Export Type: Microsoft Team
- Export Name: Mail Nickname of the Source Microsoft Team
- Import Type: Google Space
- Import Name: Prefix for the destination Google Space
Adding your Address Replacements
Address replacements are crucial for this type of migration. They are necessary to accurately map the source users to their respective destination users. For more detailed information on address replacements, please refer to the article provided below.
It is advisable to utilize a CSV file for address replacements in Step 4 > Advanced Settings Address Replacement. Alternatively, users can be added to the migration list in Step 3 but disabled for migration.
If CloudM Migrate is unable to replace the address with an existing user at the destination, the message will fail to be migrated and will be recorded as an error in the report.
Single Pass Migration
Follow the instructions below to seamlessly transfer your Microsoft Teams to Google Spaces in a single operation. This process will ensure that all content is successfully migrated and that the destination spaces are accessible to end users.
- Go to Step 2 > Advanced Settings > Users and enable both Initialize Spaces Import Mode Migration and Finalize Spaces Import Mode Migration.
- Ensure your Teams have been added to the migration list in Step 3 as described above.
- Ensure you have enabled both Drive and Conversations to be migrated for the Teams. If you do not enable Drive, attachments will not be migrated.
- Go to Step 4 > Advanced Settings > Reporting and enable the "Record Document Mappings" option. This is required for attachments to be migrated successfully.
- Run the migration.
The Teams channels will be migrated to Google Spaces according to the instructions provided above.
During the migration process, the Spaces will not be accessible as they will be in import mode. However, in this single pass migration, the Spaces will be automatically finalized at the end of the process, making them accessible once the migration is complete.
Multi-Pass Migration
Follow the steps outlined below to migrate your Microsoft Teams to Google Spaces in multiple passes. After the first pass, the destination Spaces will be in Import Mode and will not be accessible in the user interface. After the second pass, the destination Spaces will be finalized and accessible in the user interface.
Migration Pass 1
- Go to Step 2 > Advanced Settings > Users and enable Initialize Spaces Import Mode Migration.
- Disable Finalize Spaces Import Mode Migration.
- Ensure your Teams have been added to the migration list in Step 3 as described above.
- Ensure you have enabled both Drive and Conversations to be migrated for the Teams. If you do not enable Drive, attachments will not be migrated.
- Go to Step 4 > Advanced Settings > Reporting and enable the "Record Document Mappings" option. This is required for attachments to be migrated successfully.
- Run the migration.
After the initial pass is complete, the destination Spaces will transition into Import Mode.
Google Spaces in Import Mode will be retained for 30 days before being deleted. Please make sure to complete the second pass to finalize the Spaces within the designated 30-day period.
Migration Pass 2
- Go to Step 2 > Advanced Settings > Users and enable Finalize Spaces Import Mode Migration.
- Disable Initialize Spaces Import Mode Migration.
- Ensure your Teams have been added to the migration list in Step 3 as described above.
- Ensure you have enabled Conversations to be migrated for the Teams. If you do not enable Drive, attachments will not be migrated.
- Run the migration.
The destination Google Spaces will now be finalized and accessible in the UI.
For more information on migrating from Microsoft to Google, please see the below article.
Microsoft 365 to Google Workspace Migration